After I park the Prius in a locked garage, I often go into the house with the fob in my pocket. Then I forget about it until it's time to drive the Prius again (sometimes several days later). I often have to search through my pockets to find the fob. I prefer to leave the fob in the Prius so it is ready when it's time to leave. So I made an RF safe container and leave the container in the driver's side door pocket. However, I often forget to put the fob in the container, so it stays in my pocket. This fob doesn't have a key so there is no easy way to attach anything to it, and there is no way hang it. I can't believe that I am the only Prius owner with this dilemma. Any suggestions?
Get a key and your problems are over. The key is the only way into your car if the 12v dies when locked so its a double win.
Thanks for the quick reply. I have looked for a key on Amazon and eBay but they only sell them with the fob. Any suggestions where I could get just the key...other than at a Toyota dealer?
You could take your key to a department store and they can cut one for you. If you do not have a key, a locksmith or dealership can do it for you.
WHY do you not have a key ? And (assuming) why do you not have a second FOB, also with a key ? If you lose ALL of the FOBs, it can be a VERY expensive thing to fix.
We have a second fob. My wife keeps it in her pocketbook. It has a key. She uses the key to help secure the fob to a pocket in her pocketbook. I had a fob with a key I brought it into the house and found it in my pocket. I set it on a table next to the door to bring to the Prius the next time I went down to the garage under the house. When I went down with the kitchen trash, I tossed it and the fob into the can with the trash. The next time I went to use the car I couldn't find the fob. Then I realised what I had done, but it was just after the trash had been collect. An expensive brain fart. I purchased just the fob from the Toyota dealer because it was substantially cheaper and now I regret not getting the key.
You really need the proper key and carry it with you especially when you lock the car in a parking lot somewhere. A failure of the 12v battery or the key fob battery after you lock means you can't get in with the rf remote. At that point you can't even use a jump start because the hood or hatch are inaccessible. By the way, there are many key combinations. Don't just buy a used one.
Here is the Key from Toyota. This one is in Florida, but the key number is the same. And if you bring in your key, I'm sure they will cut it for you, or a department store can.
It is not letting me post the links to the keys on a mazon... But if you do a search for the key for your vehicle, several things pop up...
Which this link show??? EMERGENCY DOUBLE-SIDED BLADE FOR TOYOTA HYQ14ACX SMART REMOTES 69515-52120, 69515-AC020, 69515-06030
We were at a shopping mall several years ago and when we came out we couldn't get into the car. Assuming the battery in the fob failed we bought a new battery. We still couldn't get in at first, until by some fluke several presses of the unlock button caused a door to unlock. Once in the vehicle we learned that the starting battery was dead. Eventually we got it jump started by a fellow shopper. We had forgotten that there was a key in the fob. After driving about fifty miles home there was a terrible hydrogen sulfide gas smell in the car from the battery. I replaced the battery the next day before attempting to start the car.
Mistake noted. Now don't make matters worse by making a second bigger mistake. Go to a dealer with your wife's key and get a new "blank" and get it cut to match. Some locksmiths might carry the keys too and often will sell you one AND cut it to match for less than a dealer. Don't assume your new key will work. TEST it before you leave the shop.
I called a locksmith and was told that he didn't have key blanks for the Prius. He suggested that I check online for an "emergency key for Prius", and he can cut the key. I found two blank keys for $8.95 on Amazon. Thanks to everyone for the help.
I don't know how I miss the post about the spare emergency key. I must not have had my invisible eye glasses properly adjusted.
Final report on the fob and key situation. After purchasing a couple of blank keys from Amazon, I had one cut by a locksmith. He used a tiny milling machine attached to a computer. First he used an original key to produce the profile in the CAM program and then cut both sides of the key. It fit the lock and both locked and unlocked the door. The cost was higher than I expected...$40. Thanks to those who responded to my question. Now I have a way to attach something to the fob so it will be more noticeable in my pocket and it can be hung from a nail or hook if I choose to do so.
Glad you got it done. Why didn't you go to walfart or a hardware store to get it cut? It would have been a few dollars.....
Thanks, I didn't think of that. I just looked at it. Next time I'm in walfart I'll have to ask, same with Toyota. Though I do have a friend that could cut one for me.