Through some thinking on my own, I decided to try a different route in regards to fixing the gap in the rear fender on my Gen III Prius. Using 2 small screws, I was able to fix the gap. Took less than 10 minutes. Photos attached. Enjoy!
What's happening there: Do you then screw those into the lip of the bumper, or that's the final position? I'm not clear how it's working.
The lip of the bumper slips just on top of the head of the screws and below the notched catch. I just slide it in till I hear it "snap" in. The screws can be adjusted to keep the fit tight as time goes by.
Nice DIY. This is a known issue with GEN 3s. Alternatively people have used plexiglass and cut to strips and use 3m foam tape to do the same job.
Nice!... That extra "snap" should help the bumper latch on to the bracket. Now why didn't I think of that? My only concern is by drilling on the center of the bracket top, the width of the plastic ledge holding the screw is now only about 1/3. If it's brittle, the strip of plastic between the hole and the edge could break from the outward pull of the bumpers weight.....or if soft, the hole can loosen.
Thanks for posting the pics, that makes it clear what is needed to fix the loose joint. I've read other posts and saw several pictures of brackets that supposedly work, but this is the first clear picture of the problem. I could never picture how the metal brackets worked or what they did. Your fix looks easy, did you have to remove the bumper, or will it separate enough to get the white plastic bracket off to install the screws?
If that happens, then I will just drill in a screw perpendicular (straight in) to the white plastic, but keeping it far out enough to all the fit to snap in, either way, it will work.
Thanks, I reread your post and noticed the job only took 10 minutes so you just took screws out of that side and pulled it down. My left side keeps popping out, I'll see how it goes tomorrow and give it a shot.
Montgomery, WOW, your solution worked for me too. It was quick, easy, and cheap, I just put a screw on each side of the slot that the latch snaps into and left them just a little taller than the molded posts that is supposed to hold the parts together. I still haven't figured out how the angled metal brackets work, but your pictures show how your solution works. Thanks again!!
Even if that portion wears away and breaks, one can easily make a retrofit of some type to keep it tight. The way I figured it, the screw holes will always be covered by the fender cover, who cares how it looks underneath.
I know it's been awhile that this was posted, but even though the gap was fixed in the fender, how would you remove the bumper if a new problem were to occur? I am assuming the fender now fits in the gap you created with the screws. Could you please explain this? Thank You
The bumper still pops out after removing the proper snaps and screws. See the photos I put up at the beginning of this thread.