I have noticed my judgmental attitude about other drivers, shoppers, and even posters is changing. In the past, I was more tolerant of the silly people excusing them with ‘reality training’ will take care of them. But now a flash of anger especially for adults seems more frequent. Where has my tolerance gone? In the past, my curiosity let me be an observer versus an intolerant judge. But has my 71 years turned me into the hated *ssholes of my youth? <MEGA SIGH> Perhaps it is time to engage the truly dangerous, enemies of empiricism who troll these and other forums. But I also admire the advice to ‘not feed the trolls.’ Just another puzzle of life. Bob Wilson
You can only take so much before turning into a grouchy old man. It takes years, that's why we're old men when it happens. Keep your damn dog off my grass, because you never take its poop with you, and I have to clean it off my shoes when I'm mowing or getting the mail, or clean it off my hands because it was on the mower when I have to repair it.
The rule is “Love thy Neighbor…” ….Not to LIKE them or what they do. The beauty of this rule is that it benefits YOU more than your clueless fellow humans since anger is almost always self-harming to some degree. I give very VERY few people the power over me to rub me the wrong way.
People WATCH news? I’m usually too busy to sit still and watch a screen, but when I do, it is NOT going to be something like…’news’ which was originally intended to be the plural of the word “new.” I DID watch Bama play today…but while doing so I sized and primed some .32ACP cases. Roll Tide!