Hi Long time viewer first time poster. I have an 08 prius and I was wondering what is the latest nav dvd for it. I am still on the original disc. Also, I have an audiovox mediabridge hooked up to the sat port on my head unit. will updating affect it. Thanks.
2016. After that they stopped doing it for gen 2. make sure you get the right one for your car if you buy off ebay. They are not universal.
Thanks. I guess I will stick with my 08 disc as 2016 is quite old and not current at all so what does it matter. All the new places still won't be there.
Can get a CarPlay add on or head unit Instead. the Nav dvds on eBay are ridiculously expensive for obsolete maps. A while back I asked PC readers in a separate thread who would want to buy a new up to date DVD and got no real interest.
They were expensive new so people think that they can command silly money for them but they don't sell. Keep an eye on those offered for auction and you will eventually get one at a reasonable price or make offers. I've got the 2016 one and have never come across much that's not on there. Mind you, it depends where you live I suppose.
When we bought our Prius (used) it had the original 2008 dvd in it. It still does. We bought a new Garmin nav unit for less than the price of a newer Toyota dvd. The Garmin has a lot more information on it, has free map upgrades, is easier to use and it's transferable from car to car. The cell phone is an option too but the phone GPS uses data. That is a consideration if you don't have an unlimited plan.
Garmin can also be used in areas where cell service is spotty or nonexistent. I use Cellphone with Waze for spotting speed traps and traffic but also have a Garmin running I parallel. Garmin traffic avoidance works but seems less timely than Waze.
If I were to do it over again, I would never buy a car with built in navigation and simply use a Garmin unit with lifetime map updates.
Apple CarPlay or android auto is the current choice Best of both worlds, uses phone apps but larger screen