Guys ... I know this has to have been covered a bunch of times, so sorry. I thought the ability to precondition came back with the 2021 models? Am I missing it somewhere? Is it only available when using a timer? Our Volvo you can just push a button on the app and it will warm everything up. Any help welcome!
Toyota app does have preconditioning button (the start button under Remote Services) it will not remote start the car. It only turns on ac/heat if your car has enough charge. It's still a janky mess with server time outs and whatnot. The ac button on your fob also starts preconditioning if you're within range.
Correct. During the last of the summer, I was using precool from the app while charging at a free station in the sun to keep the cabin cool during hot days. But now cold weather is here and have NOT been able to prewarm when it is sitting in my garage. There has been issues over the last few weeks with the app. Hope they get it sorted out quick!