I have a 2020 Prius Prime that I've been driving mostly locally during the pandemic. During the past week, I've made two longer trips where I was relying on the navigation system to find my way. On the first trip to Western NC, there were four addresses available for my destination that all looked the same, and the one I picked was about 5 miles from my actual destination. On the second trip to VA, there was one address available for my destination and it took me to a location about 2 miles away. I checked today with the dealership where I get my car serviced, to find out if I can get the maps updated, and the person answering the phone gave me an initial estimate of $1000 to upgrade the maps. I'm waiting for someone in the service department to call me back so I can find out if there are other options. Do people rely on the GPS that comes with this car, or do you use something else? I have an old Garmin that I could use, that still provides free map updates, but because of the dashboard layout and huge screen provided with the car it seems kind of weird to use it. I have an inexpensive Android cel phone with not great service, and am realizing I could change phone providers and just use a new fancier phone, but that will kind of be a hassle too. Has anyone else had trouble with the GPS in your Prius Prime, and what was your solution? thanks in advance for any ideas.
We have iPhones and prefer to use the WAZE App via CarPlay. It provides up to the minute traffic reports/conditions as well as re-routing whenever the need arises. Haven't used the Prime Nav system in years.
If you use Google maps on the phone, then pre-download a map of the region via wifi service. Then it can guide you even when the cell phone lacks service, though may lack traffic and detour awareness when signal coverage is unavailable. Hopefully any other map app you might prefer would also have a pre-download database option. In my other car, I also use a regularly updated Garmin mounted in a dash cubby.
The map SD card should not be $1000. Even if you threw in an extra 0 you can usually find them for under $100 online if you really want to use the in-car nav system. The Toyota nav is updated via a SD card located under the big screen. I would ask the parts guy what the part number is if they can at least give that to you without asking for a car payment - and search ebay for that part number, or other toyota dealers websites. As for alternatives: - Your garmin if you still have free map updates - those will probably update more often than getting a new SD card from your dealer once a year. May as well keep it updated and bring it along for road trips. - Google Maps on your android phone - you can download areas you're traveling to ahead of time when you do have service or on wifi and it'll be able to get you directions even when your phone is out of service. Or other maps apps of your choosing, just be sure it can still utilize navigation even if you lose service along a route. Finding a place for a mount is a pain on the Prime with the big screen. My magnet vent holder for my phone sticks out too far and bumps into my wiper stalk and putting it on the other side of the screen there's too much glare. A window suction thing would work but there isn't that much space to keep it out of the way. the top of the big screen can be set to always show the dumb map so you could just stick a mount right there. - You can print a route from Google Maps from your home computer if you still have one of those. And still have a printer. - You can still get free maps from AAA if you're a member. Paper maps. Of all the states. Even Canada. In the year of our meta-lord zuckerberg two thousand twenty one.
It seems that the whole world is incompetent any more. I asked about an update for my Ford at a dealership parts counter. They sold me an SD card for something around $80 I think. When I got home and looked in my owners manual (!) I found that my model does it's updates via WIFI. The parts guy was only slightly embarrassed and I got a refund. Call a different dealership.
Even though it is really convenient to use a nice big screen perfectly mounted, I don't use the GPS for my Prius because: 1. It doesn't allow my spouse to input the destination while the car is in motion. 2. When signal is lost, like driving through a tunnel, the GPS decides I no longer want to go to my destination and shuts off navigation automatically. This usually happens when we are in the city in the worst part of the trip as we exit a tunnel into many different directions. And because of 1 above, there is no way to fix the problem except find a spot to pull over and stop. Thus, I use google maps on my cell phone. Like others have said, you don't need cell service for google maps. Just input your destination where there is wifi or predownload the maps. I often go to places that has very little to no cell service.
Yup. Cell phone and/or Garmin here, too. I will kind of use the built-in screen to monitor my location and help see the next crossroad, but it's total garbage when it comes to road trips, even if you did take out a second mortgage on your house to finance the map updates that Garmin does for free.
i have a 2012 Prius V and my wife has a 2013 Prius C, so our car maps are pretty old. I just use my iPhone and Waze. Plus I have a charging cable connected to the cigarette lighter, so I don't have to worry about my phone running out of charge. Probably and reasonable smart phone is going to be better than the in car navigation. Its as if Toyota doesn't want to be bothered with supporting in car navigation. Why have it if its not supported...
Don't take your car back to that dealer for service. They definitely do not know how and what takes to update the map SD card. That being said, paying north of $200 is the norm for the map update, but for that, you only get already two years old maps and still have Toyota's substandard Nav interface. I tried using the Toyota's Nav both on 2017 PP Premium with 11.6" screen and 2020 PP LE using ScoutGPS. The quick conclusion is that it is not worth trying anymore. I have not used the Nav on my new 2021 PP Ltd yet and I intended not to use it unless that's the only thing available. I am like you and have a phone with no data service, so I still use old Garmin for my navigation. The unit costs less than Toyota's map update, and the map update is free for a lifetime. It is so much better than the in-car Nav that comes with the car.
I mainly use Google map when I have cell service, and when I don't I use Copilot. It's the best $20 I spent some 7-8 years. It's an app you can download to your phone and has lifetime map updates, at least when I purchased it. When I up upgrade my phone I just reload it again. As long as your GPS is working on your phone, Copilot will work.
I find the built-in navigation on the Prius really difficult to use so I use Google Maps on Apple Car Play. I never stress out about getting from point A to point B. The tip about using CoPilot for offline navigation is a good one. I’ll check it out.
If my unit supported Car Play I'd use that -- my wife has it on her new RAV4 hybrid and I'm a little jealous.
Are you talking about your C or a Prime? My Prime (2017) absolutely does not update maps via the cloud (and I’m not aware of any Prime working that way). It updates Entune (and maybe other A/V functions?) via the cloud (WiFi), but not maps.