OK, Gang! ChuggyPyg made it! Yippee! Now what? What services would you recommend to mark this auspicious occasion? (…nope, "Funeral/Burial Rites" won't cut it! )
What have you done so far? Any of the following: -change transmission fluid -change engine coolant -change inverter coolant -clean HV battery cooling fan -clean throttle body -replace pcv valve -replace spark plugs -change the cabin air filter -change the engine air filter? If not, these are a good start. That is exciting tho, congrats!
Thanks! Yes, all of the stuff in your list was done at the appropriate times over the past 12 years. I'm about to switch to the winter-wheels (…low 30s here in Southern NH last night! Brrrrrr!) Plugs/PCV were changed @ 120k so that will be next on the agenda (certainly in the next 25k or so) Cabin & engine air-filters I always change myself (takes all of 30 secs and saves $$)
How about a brake fluid change. 2nd gen Repair Manual does not include a DIY method. Dealership should not be charging much over $100 for this.
Good point! I'll bear that in mind when I talk to stealership re. quote. As I said earlier, I'm in no hurry, but with the temps falling into the low 30s I think it's almost time to put ChuggyPyg's winter boots on, and get all the other winterizerationification done!
I don't do much changes for winter in NC USA.wont brake fluid drain by gravity it do in my Passat w ABS my sienna too. I crack rear furtheredt line wait for res to start to gat to drain hole as last starts to go down add fresh fluid it's dripping on rag at rear zerk. I keep moving rag till clear clean fluid starts to show on rag give it 60 more seconds . Close that side let it run on other side till clear clean . Now too front . I do this on the hardest to bleed power sports dquip w ABS brakes . Like my Aprilia Mama .. almost impossible to bleed say others .. SM-A715F ?
That’s good. Mine is approaching 200k as well with original HV. I think the more often you drive it, the longer it will last.
I'm not sure about that. I've heard each discharge/recharge diminishes the battery capacity, albeit very slightly. Also, and this is in the owner's manual, there's a warning to avoid extremely protracted downtime, to avoid the battery getting dangerously low: My take away from those two factors, is that low usage, as long as it's regular, with no long down times, might be best.
I've done the Prolong thing (look it up) ever since I bought the car (back in 2014), and (so far) it seems to be effective, although without having another identical Prius with 83k, bought at the same time, which didn't undergo the Prolong thing, who can say???
Just. Hanged battery in a gen 2 w original 330K battery .... Hella difference. . I'm thinking refurbing is ok if . You want to play around most junkyards I get em the cores for like 120 or free then you need all these chargers and make a discharger and well on it goes what I think I'm going to do next is make up a grid charger and figure out how to make the plug to put that to the battery that's in the car and then it times every so often charge it up run it and discharge it charge it back up whatever Play that game maybe then I don't have to constantly be taking the covers off and playing with individual cells SM-A715F ?