It was 13 days till all Hallows eve during the witching hour. My wife and I were on our way home from a long drive in west Texas. One hundred miles from anywhere worth mentioning on a dark and lonely road. We were discussing our trip and we took notice as an unfamiliar fog formed in the distance on the horizon. We pulled over to take pictures and we rolled down the windows. My wife leaned out of the passenger side to feel the cool breeze from the approaching storm blow through her hair. It is kind of scary out here she said. We'll be ok, I said with a smile. The strange thing was you could hear a pin drop there was no noise at all. The air suddenly and unexpectedly became cool and the fog finally reached us. We decided to get going and as I turned on my headlights there stood a lady in a torn white dress. She stood motionless, frozen, our eyes glued to her voided gaze. A bright red gas can was in her hand. She stood there for a moment and then in a flash she was on my side of the car and she touched my arm. Her hand was cold as ice. She spoke with a soft lingering voice...I ran out of gas can you help me. My wife said sure and she got in the back seat. We drove on and she just sat in the back not saying a word. My wife tried a few times to make conversation asking if she was cold or hungry but she just blankly stared at our dash. We dove 20 miles and got to a gas station and I took the can to fill it at the pump. She asked if we could give her a ride back and my wife chimed in of course we will honey. Can we get you some coffee? She shook her head no. As we started to pull away she screamed, causing me to slam on my brakes, don't you need gas? No, were fine. Are you sure it's a long way. I smiled and repeated we'll be fine. Back along the old highway we drove thought the fog and when we got near my wife asked where is you car honey? She said she was about a mile off the main road. That sent shivers down our spines. Where is she taking us I thought to myself. When we came to the turn we drove on for what seemed ages. It seemed longer than the rest of the drive combined. That's when we went over a small hill and she said it's over there. She then said here, here, stop. I don't see anything I said. My wife whispered to me I don't see anything either. The lady got out and started to walk in front of our car into the headlights. As she walked we could not even see her feet move. The light started to reflect off of her dress and shine on to a horrible sight. We froze in our seats as she disappeared from our site right behind a big black H3.
I don't think I could top that. The scariest one I know is the one about the lunatic banging the husband's head on top of the car. Thump, thump, thump.
Imagine walking along the road, being hit by a car and thrown down a hill - many broken bones. The driver flees leaving you to your plight. Over several hours you try as hard as you can to make it to the top of the hill, where you'll be found. You are too hurt, however and die before you make it to the top. The next day you are found, and the police notice all the holes in the ground between where you landed and where you ended up. No stick was to be found and they wondered what happened to it, until they saw the dirt on your bones that broke through your skin when you landed. True story - happened in northwest MS just south of Memphis around 1970.