Hello Everyone: I'm a new member and I posted this question at the bottom of my new member hello but thought it would get more exposure here, so apologies for those reading this twice! We just (yesterday) brought home our beautiful 2018 Prius (only 35K miles!). This was to replace our equally-beautiful 2013 Prius lost in an accident a few weeks ago (we're fine). They only gave us one key fob and we need two. Hence my questions: 1. Is it possible to re-program our old 2013 fob? 2. If not, is buying one from a Toyota dealer our only option? I should add that I'm not very technically proficient! Many thanks, all. Art
welcome! 1) unfortunately no 2) i would start by getting a dealer price, then contacting locksmiths for competitive pricing 3) all the best!
I do not believe you can reprogram a previous gen fob to gen 4 prius. You can try reaching out to the dealer to ask if they would give you a 2nd fob. Play dumb and see if they'll make you right. Cars ought to come with 2 sets of keys. You just bought the car from them so maybe they'll still be in the mood for a goodwill gesture. They may just wash their hands of you since the deal is closed and they got their money. But it's worth a try at least. I understand the importance of having 2 keys. We purchased a used 2013 years ago and it also didn't come with the 2nd key. Well that became a problem when I drove all the way to work (1hr away) in the other car with the prius fob in my briefcase and my wife called me irate because she was now very late for work. I had to drive all the way back home to give her the key. After all that I purchased a replacement fob off amazon or ebay and had a locksmith come out and program the new fob to the car. This was a number of years ago and admittedly for a previous generation prius but I do remember it was quite a bit cheaper than going through a dealership.
Yes to the above. Don't delay too long - having a 2nd is important in that ... lose or kill the one ... and it's a fairly expensive process to get one without one to clone.
Thank you all for the quick and informative responses! We bought our new car from, of all places, a Honda dealership and they told us it only came with the one fob. So going back there isn't an option. Malachy - man, what a story. We only have the one car (we're retired) so your unfortunate scenario wouldn't be possible. I'll start tomorrow with calls to the local Toyota dealers and locksmiths, see what I can rustle up. Many thanks again!
Ah yeah unfortunately if they didn't get a key they won't be able to help. Maybe if the auto group also owned a Toyota dealership but I'd imagine they'd offer to do that for you if they were willing to go that far. Another scenario I saw happen: A lady dropped her husband off in town for an appointment. He had their only key for their rav4. The car may make some noise but it will let you continue driving if you don't turn the car off. Well, she had to turn off the car for some reason while in a pharmacy drive through and it wouldn't turn on again without the key. That her husband had. Across town. Poor guy walked all the way to get her the key. When I got a 2nd key I ordered it online and found a mobile locksmith who came out to our house to set it up with my car.
Ouch! That one had to hurt. Malachy, you should write a book! I've found a wiiiide variety of costs for this little bugger. One dealership wants $342 for the fob plus an as-yet-to-be-revealed sum for programming it. A second offered the fob for $198 and programming for $165. How generous of them. Thanks to your suggestion and Bisco's I found a locksmith who will do the whole thing for $165. He's ordered the part and off we'll go. Now I just have to figure out how to delete the previous owner's radio presets. They are terrible. The manual is no help. But I must say our new beauty is far superior in every way to the last one, which I thought was pretty peachy! Thanks again, everyone.
Tune to the station you want then press and hold the preset station you want to replace until it beeps and replaces the old one with a new one. There are options to adjust the number of presets in the settings as well. And if I remember right you can mix and match FM and XM in the presets too.
Give this guy a toot and tell him I recommended, if you want. https://boulderhc.com/ if not satisfied with his recommendation after a long distance call, I'd be totally surprised. TGB4 2014
Thanks again, Malachy. That sounds simple enough and kinda what I remembered from my 2013. do not know why the manual didn't just state it outright. And vvillovv, thanks for the rec. I do have the key issue solved but it's kind of you to chime in. Hey, and many years ago I lived in Boulder for a bit!