In talking with different dealerships, I have come to wonder if some of these salespeople have ever seen a Prius or understand how they work. At least one them even doesn't understand the quoto system either IF I would give this salesperson $2000 on the spot, he "guaranteed" he would have the Prius of my choice within the month. Now why didn't I believe that? On to another dealership, one with no such promises but straight forward.
Apparently there are some stealerships who will happily sell a car destined for someone on their list for a little baksheesh.
Jeri...maybe he could...WHAT IF (factor).. where did you find this guy...I really DID get mine in 57 days... NO B.S. from the salesguy...delivered as hidden add ready in VIP parking.. in and out of the dealership in about an hour (I asked a lot of questions) could have been gone in much less than the hour.. Bob
My guy may be the dumbest I live 1600 miles from the dealership where I ordered our new Prius in March. We winter there but summer in the Midwest. The car recently arrived and we arranged for it to be put on a transport and shipped to us. The dealership was most helpful in working out these details. Since I had never driven a Prius, I asked them to send the Operators Manual so I could start reading up on all the exciting functions. The salesman sent the manual all right, but included BOTH KEYS to the Smart Entry system. Obviously, that might make it more than a little difficult for the dealership to load our new car on a transport to be shipped the next day. This was a major screw up. I had to find an overnight service with Saturday AM delivery to get one key back to the dealership so they could "deliver" the car to us. We do love the car however. :roll:
lots Toyota salespeople in SoCal can do that if the customers are willing to pay more than MSRP for the car.
Should have taken him up on it then sued him for breach of contract and the anguish caused :twisted: Maybe you would have got your prius for free that way :lol: :lol: :lol:
This isn't Prius-specific, but it is Prius-related: At a dealership... Me: I'd like to speak with your salesperson who is your expert on the 2004 Prius. Salesperson: We don't have experts here, only administrators. True story.
I love bathroom wall graphitti. I saw this one and it makes me laugh with this quote. Those who can do, do. Those who can\'t do, teach. Those who can\'t teach administrate. Always a good thing to remember.
yep! I know of a stealership too that will sell your car first to someone if they will pay more cash: Carson Toyota I don't like how Diane acts so innocent on here. She should be a little more upfront and honest like other stealers and not sugarcoat. I think you should be able to place an order for a price and when it comes in from Japan, it is yours, just like every other thing in the world you order.
[Disclaimer] I wasn't originally going to put this in because it's rather contrary to what I've been saying all along about my dealership. But it's a large dealership with many reps and this one in particular is not the one I've been working with. [Story] I had stopped by for my "Prius fix" to tide me over whilest I wait. Upon starting the car, I noticed a single bar of gas. My rep had gone so I grabbed a different one. Me: "There's only one bar of gas, is it safe for me to take it out or should I come back after it's been filled?" Him: "Oh don't worry about that. If it runs out of gas the batteries will keep ya going." I just let that comment go and made sure it was a short drive.