On a day when the overall market was down and the Dow dipped below 10,000 points, Tesla's initial stock price of $17.00 shot up 41% to $23.89 by the close of trading. There were many concerns over Tesla's IPO due to the company never turning a profit and founder Elon Musk's proclamation that he's "broke" due to his investment in the company. "Demand from investors appears to be outstripping concerns that Tesla has lost money since its inception and that it offers just one model for now, the wallet- and passenger-unfriendly Roadster," writes The New York Times. This will certainly be a stock to watch for the next few months as more news on Tesla's future comes to light.
2010 . . . . . wonder if that was Danny's last post oops - nope ... after checking - he'd resurfaced just a mere 2 months ago. .
Probably just peeking in periodically to make sure his baby is still thriving, now all grown up and on its own. Well, there is uncle Tideland Prius who remains here for moral support (officially to make sure the rest of us are behaving, anyways ).