About 2 ish weeks ago i got a 04 Prius. they key fob needed a battery replacement so i got one in AutoZone. but the car does not respond to it, it'll turn on when inserted to the ignition but the smart system does not respond to it. I made sure it was on according to the manual, I've read that key fobs need to be reprogramed when there battery's are changed. Though I'm not able to find any guide to reprogram the 04 Prius key fob to start working with the car again. The little red light also flashes when i press the lock or unlock buttons but nothing else. If anyone can help with this id be awesome!.
the fob does not need to be reprogrammed after a battery replacement did the fob ever work? if not, it is the wrong fob you might need a new fob, a locksmith or a dealer
Did you try toggling the SKS button that lives underneath the steering column? FYI : your posts are moderated until you've posted 5 times.
The car turns on fine when inserting the fob into the keyslot thing, altough im not sure if it ever properly worked. Its the fob wth the silver toyota logo on the back wich ive read that is suposed to be the master one. But ill seek dealer assistance thanks.
Check the position of the smart key switch where the steering column meets the dash panel. If that doesn't fix it you might have gotten a bad fob battery from Autozone, or the fob battery might be installed backwards. I think that the silver logo on the key fob indicates that it is for the SKS. As far as I know there is no "master" fob. If your fob does not have a silver Toyota logo you either have the wrong fob or the fob case has been replaced.