So this past weekend I attempted to clean the EGR cooler. I say attempted because I only got some blasts of brake cleaner and one soak in oxiclean before I was interrupted and had to button things up. The ends looked much cleaner, but running more brake clean through still came out black and gunky. When I started the car it made a hell of a noise and popped the CEL. I already had the OBDII scanner plugged in so pulled the codes and shut it down. At the top of the list was was MAF stuff. Inspected realized I hadn't plugged the thing in. Plugged it in. Car started fine. Check Engine Light went off. Driven about 100 miles since then. Not noticing any improvement in performance or fuel economy. In fact it may be worse. No CEL but I plugged in the OBD II scanner anyway. It reads P0102. Removed the sensor and shot the sensor end with CRC MAF Cleaner. Let it dry plugged it in. Drove around for a few minutes. Still P0102. Clear on scanner does not remove the code. After cleaning the EGR I did top off the oil and it was pretty much at max. I read on this forum that people have had P0102 after overfilling the oil. Before cleaning the MAF I drained a few ounces and it sets more in the middle of the stick now. If it was dirty MAF will it clear itself? What should I try next? The scan tool says P0102 means low voltage on MAF could it be the connectors are dirty rather than the sensor? Thanks for any insights
I cleaned my EGR and misconnected a coolant hose that caused coolant to get into my intake. Anyway, I put in a newer engine and the codes went away, but not the P0102. The two others that were marked “Permanent” went away, but not the P102. I have the same problem and am wondering whether it has to be driven more or whether the harness has a broken cable. If anything changes, I will let you know. Lease so likewise.