Hello, I'm new here but have been using a lot of the treads here to learn more about my car. A 04 Prius. Got it about a week ago but dint realize it had no cat converter since the previous owner welded what a presume is a 2inch pipe where the og cat should be. I only realized it was missing when i lifted the car up to work on the o2 sensor and realized that was welded into a pipe... Anyways I don't want to end up paying 1500 for a new one at the dealer. And I've seen a couple replacement cats on eBay and rockauto but I'm unaware if these will work properly with the car... I would post the link but i must wait a day n post to make it according to the forums rules... tho below i leave some screenshots If anyone can give a word of advice that would splendid.
You might look into the 130usd ebay offering shipped from canada. Do an advanced search for catalytic posts by @TMR-JWAP Be sure to get the OEM sensors (or Denso), and if you experiment with cheaper options, please post your success in this thread.