You’re lucky I wish I was that lucky. I’ve had them fail. Not on a Prius. My local shop here runs smoke tests often when the Christmas tree of lights on the dash go off. And coincidentally just prior to biennial smog test.
Do US gas station pumps no longer have those skirts around the nozzle? I see this: Gas Pumps Go Naked As Vapor-Recovery Requirement Ends
The nozzle skirts most stations have are just liquid splash barriers. Vapor escapes easily, especially if you just lay the nozzle on the spout. California pumps used to have and perhaps still does since I don’t know as I haven’t been back there in two years, have a convoluted almost impossible to use barrel and vapor suction nozzle on pumps. Was a real PiTA to use.
Probably not applicable to Gen 2 There is a time limit on the fuel pipe. After pulling the refuel lever to open the fuel bay door, if you don't get the pumps nozzle in the pipe within the time limit the flapper closes and the nozzle don't go in anymore. The fuel door stays open but the lever has to be pulled again before the fueling can begin.