Has anyone given this device a try to attempt to connect an iPod directly to the Prius audio system: http://www.ipod2car.com Was curious who performed installed it and if it worked well. Thanks!
sort of makes me wish i had an ipod, but i have a nomad jukebox zen xtra instead because it was a lot cheaper. however, mine works great so i guess i will just wait for more generic audio inputs that i can plug into my zen.
I haven't installed this myself, but I had been looking at the similar Dension product and it sells for a good bit more, so this might be a good option. http://densionusa.com/merchant/merchant.mv..._Code=IA_Toyota As you can see, it's 189 for the ipod2car and 239 for the icelink.
ipod2car. if u go to web site http://www.ipod2car.com/ and check out compatability, u will see it is NOT compatable with the Prius. We need to know if there are any input jacks on the rear of the 6 disk am/fm unit. Anybody know?????
I don't have the 6-disc unit, but judging by the complaints, I gather that there is not an audio input. Costal Tech is promising to sell a unit that I think will provide inputs for external audio and/or backup camera. Last I looked I saw no details on price or difficulty of installation.
I just looked at their web site again, and now I'm not sure if the unit will provide an audio input or just video.
What about the iTrip? I want my iPod to work in the car. Has anyone tried this, and does it work well?
I have both the iTrip and the new Belkin transmitter. The iTrip has the form and design factor but it is hard to change the station on the fly. OK if you are in a area without a lot of stations. If the band is full then you need to change stations and that is tough to do with a iTrip. I have to stop the car to do it. The Belkin is easy two buttons an LED. Other than changing stations the iTrip is great.
I too am hoping someone comes out with a real direct input solution. I don't care for the FM radio xmtr approach. They've never sounded very good to me. While I was asking the Toyota people about some concerns I had, I told the the suggestion of them adding an audio aux in. The BMW people are already the lucky ones! http://www.apple.com/ipod/bmw/ Shouldn't the most high tech car have a proper interface to the most high tech audio device? :? 50+ MPG and 10,000 songs... what more can you ask for? Prius, The real ulimate driving machine. :mrgreen:
That is a really good argument, Dan!! I, too, don't want an XM radio, because I have my iPod. Just wait and see what Coastal Tech comes out with, with their audio connections and maybe we can make something work!
Add in VW bug and the Ford focus. There is a pattern in these two. Just because I am a old curmudgeon does not mean I don’t use a iPod!
Oops... I see that people liked using acronyms on this forum, so I used one common to me. xmtr is an acronym for transmitter. Anyway, I don't really care for XM radio either and would rather have the iPod in the car. (Although, I have heard there is a lot better listening choice than straight up FM stations with XM.) Anyway, I'll keep an eye on what Coastal Tech comes up with, also maybe the iPod2car people will figure out how to make there interface work correctly with the Prius. What will be most nice if some figures out how to be able to control the iPod with from the Prius' display. My best hope is Apple and Toyota would get together on this and work out an iPod like interface on the display. I saw iPod's are really catching on in Japan in a recent news article. Maybe a few in the corp office have iPod's by now. Hey, one can dream, can't they?
Hi all, I was just looking over the site and wanted to let you know that the ipod2car adapter is now compatible with the '04 Prius as long as you do not have Navigation or a Changer installed. Thought it was news worth sharing.
As for you poor folk with Navs and changers...It will work with nav, the cd changer will need to be disconnected.
That will be acceptible, anything in the changer would be on my PC anyway, I'd prefer a portible media center, but an Ipod will due since it works with the multi-display and the steering wheel buttons (with your product) thanks for the info