My low beams are out I replaced the !0.33 fusible link which ended up costing 33 dollars at Santa Monica /Toyota even though was quoted 10.33 at Culver City Toyota and they both had to order it. Any way no joy no low beams. Any Ideas? Do headlights blow out at the same time? This would be the third passenger side headlight that went out if that is the case
I have never seen a headlight fuse burn out on either of my Priuses. I would suggest that you replace the headlamp itself. On the theory that it is drawing too much current which is causing the fuse to blow.
No but they can go out within days of each other. Often we are driving in well lit areas where one headlight is enough and we don't notice the other is out. Or we switch to High if its pitch dark. Cheap bulbs on Amazon or Ebay are short life and more likely to fail due to impact.
I have a 2010. I always leave my headlights on because I have no daytime running lights. It appears that approxitmaly every 16 mo. My low beams go out within 2 days of a failure. It appears to me that when one goes out the excess voltage blows the other one.JMHO.