Hi. I spent the money at my dealers for a new Toyota Prius fob, and then my cars hybrid battery died a few weeks later. It wasn't worth fixing, so I have a genuine Toyota fob in like new condition that I no longer need. Does anyone need this? I'll part with it for $50 plus $5 shipping. Thanks Mark
Is it black logo (non-SKS) or silver (SKS)? What is the part number on the back? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I thought once a fob is programmed to a particular car, it can only be reprogrammed by a dealer. Does ‘like new’ mean used?
It was programmed to my car. There are ways to get in reprogrammed to another Prius but you cannot just do the chicken dance. If you search though you can likely find someone who can help you out here in prius chat. Or a local locksmith, garage, or dealer.
I know my local locksmith charges $2 to cut a Prius key if you have the key otherwise another $3 for the key itself. Wanted it cut when I bought a new fob with key off eBay. Never thought to ask him if he reprograms the fob too.