Yesterday my mechanic couldn't improve the rear alignment by installing rear camber shims. So last resort is to replace the rear axle beam, used for around $400.00 plus labor like another $400.00. New for $1200.00 no labor included. Any suggestions?
Try this link: Buy Genuine Toyota 4210112171 (42101-12171) Beam Assy, Rear Axle. Prices, fast shipping, photos, weight - Amayama for my CDN location it’s just over $1300 all-in. it IS frustrating, that pretty much nothing can be done, short of shims.
It will take you a LONG time to recoup $800 in excessive tire wear by improving the alignment. Assuming that is the actual problem. I suggest that you need a second opinion before you drop that kind of cash. A large body shop with a good reputation often has an expert in things like that.
^ That. How bad was it hit in the rear? How "off" is the alignment? What prompted the alignment in the first place? How many miles do you drive in a year? City or Highway miles? +1 on the body shop! If your car was tweaked so badly that shims can't bring it back into geometry then you may be riding in a death trap. Or? Your car is nearly perfectly aligned and your mechanic is chasing after a bubble with your money to get it absolutely perfectly aligned. Or? Your car IS within alignment specs and you're trying to get 50,000 miles out of 40,000 mile tires without proper rotation strategery. Or? Your wrench is using a $99 Harbor Freight alignment machine. Either way.....if it were MY $800, My life, or both......I'd get a second opinion! The measurements don't look life-or-death bad to me, but I fix phones for a living, NOT cars. The fact that you're asking for advice on-line tells me that your Spidey Senses are tingling. Listen to them. Good Luck!
i would suggest we need more information, this is a very unusual move. all prius are out of alignment in the rear, that's how toyota designed and engineered them
I am in need of some phone software help. I am one of those that can't create a new private message conversation on here. PM me, please.......if you can.
Looks like your mechanic is no good with the shims. I have moved it more than 1 degree with shims, your after only shows 1/10 of a degree change which could just be measurement error. Are you sure they actually shimmed it? I used Specialty Products shims. The directions can be confusing and I have wasted a few by installing them wrong. You can get perfect alignment on the rear with shims, I have done both of my mine. You can also get perfect alignment on the front with Specialty Products camber eccentric bolts.