Thankfully it happened in our driveway and not while out and about, but now we're locked out. I tried calling two local locksmiths, but they said it was too "advanced" for them? I reiterated that it was a 2002 model year Prius, but they weren't much help. My little brother then shows up from Home Depot with an air wedge and a strong wire used supporting potted plants, but I was like hell no... Am I missing something here? I like watching lock picking videos on YouTube from time to time, and know that the Lishi 2-In-1 pick and decoder exists for TOY43/TR47. It shows the 2001-2003 Toyota Prius as compatible, so I bought the door and trunk version from a YouTuber that's stateside. Hopefully it'll show up this week, paid $9 Priority Mail... I heard these cars don't like to sit around...
Okay, I found a technique where you remove a rubber plug under the car, near the trunk and fuel release, and then stick something in the hole, enough to push up the carpet and trigger the trunk release. In my case, I used a 14 inch long 1/4 inch chrome extension so it wouldn't puncture or scratch anything. Definitely, saved me a good amount of money lol
I am working on a video about when you lose your keys. My solution is to drill a hole behind the license plate so you can lift the truck release. Did not hear about the hole underneath. I will have to check that and see about adding that to the video. Thanks! BTW, if you lose all keys, you need to swap out the immobilizer, but first you need a key to get into the car and unlock the steering wheel. The easy and cheap way is to open the trunk, and then you can remove the lock cylinder easily and take it locksmith to have a key made for it, and this key opens the door and unlocks the steering.
So I looked into the truck for holes to get to the child release and didn't find any. Do you have any pics on how you did that?
It's under the car by the driver's seat. It's a rubber cap you remove by trunk and fuel release levers that are beside the driver's seat. Once it's removed you can feel the interior carpeting. I needed my kid brother to peek inside the car to see if I was poking right under the release levers, and then I pushed up with a good bit of force to release the trunk.
oh, THAT trunk release. Makes sense now, alot easier than drilling holes in the trunk! I will note that I never understood why there is a "valet" key that won't open the trunk when there is that lever right there on the floor. Until I watched a video recently, and if you use the key and turn the trunk lock to the left, the inside release won't work.