The parking spots in the garage at work are very short and so I need to get as close to the concrete parking stop as possible. Even then, the car sticks out a bit. My current strategy is to go very very slow until I hear contact with the valance and then back off an inch. Obviously that is not ideal. I can not hang anything from the ceiling or make any other alternations to the lot. The lot is huge and I am in a different spot each day. So I'm not looking for environmental solutions. Likewise I'm not looking for "learn how close you can get" because I want to be basically right up on it, not several inches away. I am pretty good with tools and can do some jerry rig fabrication. Any creative ideas for what could be done?
Reverse into the stall, there's lots of clearance in the back. Depending on the distance of the curb to the wall, you might even be able to get your car further into the stall, because there's more overhang in the rear than the front. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I was going to say the same thing. And the bonus is that it'll be safer when you leave thanks to better visibility pulling out than backing out.
Or mount some "feelers" on the front fairing; the catfish look. That first black/plastic piece IS too low, for sure. And kinda "barbed", as in: you can roll that front piece up AND over the concrete wheel stop, and then it snags fearsome when you back out. For extra fun: sometimes the rebar "nails" in them protrude an inch or three.
Lol, I was going to mention the curb feelers, but I think you have to be of a certain age to know what they are. Nice picture you found. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I just searched "curb feelers" on Amazon, they're still available. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
One thing, those feelers tend to snag stuff, anything blowing around on the road. You need to keep an eye on them.