I know nobody can tell me for sure but I just wanted to know what your guys opinions are (as I’m very impatiently waiting for the police report and adjuster) It’s a 2018 Prius with 28k miles on it. I was driving straight on a highway and was t-boned by somebody trying to make a left turn from a side road. My airbags did not go off.
How the heck did the airbags not deploy?? Looks like a pretty major impact based on the damage and travel shown in the pictures. Hope everyone is in good health.
Completely totaled. The hood, doors, headlights, fenders, tires, etc. could easily be swapped out...but you also have massive suspension damage, the front frame rails look to be bent, I see a part of the engine near the ground (and who knows what this means for the inverter or power split device), strut tower, cowlings, quarter panel -- it's all gone. Hopefully your new Prius will have a less eventful life. Hope no one was hurt.
Wow that is wrecked. RIPepperoni. I hope you are OK. Sometimes after an impact like that you may not feel it until a day or 2 later. Don't forget to seek medical attention if you are injured - prompt medical attention can help with injuries hidden by adrenaline and starts the paperwork if you need to make a medical claim against their insurance. Your airbags are designed to deploy in very specific instances where they will save your life. If the angle of impact is just so an airbag could do more harm than good - this may be such a situation. I would imagine that your car is a goner. With that much damage to the wheels and suspension and who knows what else I don't think I'd even want to risk a repair job. Who knows what would be hiding 5-10k miles later and your resale would be tanked with a major accident on file. I recently lost my 2016 Prius Four to a deer strike and I am sorry you're in the market right now. Luckily your insurance payoff value will be based on what it would be worth before it got wrecked and valuations are higher due to the hot car market. And you can negotiate the amount, you don't have to take their first offer if it looks off. Unfortunately the market is so hot that your money may not go as far as it would have even a few months ago. Incentives aren't great (if you're lucky enough to even find a dealer who isn't selling above MSRP) and stocks are low. Cars are selling before they get to port and if you're picky on color/model/trim you may be waiting a month or more for your car to arrive.
I'm sorry to see. My suspicion would be a write-off - though a panel-beater might see differently, depending on the damage underneath, and whether the "chassis" is bent. Airbags - I'm not surprised. Side airbags trigger with an impact perpendicular to the side. Front airbags with a frontal collision. That looks more like a glancing blow than a "fair square" hit in the side, which would have triggered them. What sort of speed was your car and the other car travelling at? One of the big items which add up to a write-off is seat-belts and airbags - both of which are expensive to replace.
Dang, sorry to see that. I have no idea if she is totaled but definitely gonna be a close call. They have to tear it apart and inspect everything and add it all up. Yep don't sign anything from the insurance paying for it until you know you and any passengers are fine and can take 3-4 days for injuries to manifest. (I'll already be calling an injury lawyer for advice.)
Don't know if it is totaled. But if it is, be sure not to accept any settlement from the insurance company that isn't equal to the inflated prices that vehicles are going for now.
So true...on youtube, Scotty Kilmer's son just sold his 2-year old Toyota Sienna van for $4,000 more than her paid for it new! Some dealerships are giving themselves the name "stealership" by asking WAY over MSRP but, so far, I haven't seen this in our Colorado Springs dealerships. Actually, I haven't looked in a few weeks....nope...they got a new Corolla for $21K...and giving away 5 years maintenance on the Highlanders. Ooh, they got a cherry red Supra....nice looking but folks are concerned about those engines, many reporting they are burning gas (BMW engines, figures!)
Yes, I like Scotty. Another "youtuber", "the car car care nut" has a video advising folks not to pay above MSRP under any circumstances. If you do, eventually prices will return to normal, and you'll be underwater on your loan.
My local dealership has new units for MSRP out the door including TT&L. Only thing is the two units they have are effected by the stop sale, so they can't sell them. So now we wait!
I concur with everyone else. It will be considered damage beyond repair. Sent to a junk yard and parted out.
Oops, I just read my post above...."Ooh, they got a cherry red Supra....nice looking but folks are concerned about those engines, many reporting they are burning gas (BMW engines, figures!)" I, of course, meant to say many Supra engines are burning OIL...not gas...DUH!