I got a new radiator and I just realized that how small those tubes are. I'm 99% certain that my radiator is at least 70% clogged after 4 bottles of Bar's leak since July 2020. Its got maybe 30% cooling thats why it wont just over heat right away. It over heat when going uphill. Here is my plan. I still need to squeeze the last mile out of this prius so I think replacing the radiator every 1 to 1.5 years is worth it. My head gasket is blown and that is for sure since July 2020. Radiator is $80 and finding a mechanic to replace it cost $100 so $180 every time it clogged. I will have to bypass the heater core now. I don't really need heat here anyways. For people who live in colder climate, I suggest using a electronic heat blanket and just bypass the heater core. Use your credit card that has those extended warranty to buy the radiator so you can get a new one every time it clogs. It usually comes with 1 year warranty anyways even on eBay. For bypass the heater core, just get a 5/8" splicer fitting to connect those 2 tubes so they won't go through the heater core. And continue to use Bar's leak, it will do what it says to do to seal the head tho but it will also eventually clog your radiator but oh well, you got 1 year. It took me 4 bottles to clog it to a point that it no longer has much cooling effect. It also looks like I need to install the new radiator before I can use the bar's leak again. Its clogged now. If I pour it in, it will just build up inside the radiator and won't go to the head to seal it or maybe just a lil bit goes to the head. So I need to install the new radiator first. That is the trouble I have to go through now but I still think its worth it instead of paying $1000 to do head repair or buy a new car now at this high price. And base on all the info I got so far on how the coolant flow through the Prius system, you can't follow the instruction of Bar's leak. You pour the Bar's leak into the expansion tank and you turn on the car. The bar's leak stay in the radiator tank on the left side. It needs to wait until the thermostat to open so the bar's leak can go from the lower radiator hose to the engine block and head to seal the head. Bar's leak instruction is to turn off the car before the thermostat is open. Its not the case for Prius cooling system. I think the most correct way to feed the Bar's leak is through the smaller tube connected to the thermostat. You feed the bar's leak in that tube, and then turn on the car. The bar's leak will go right up to the engine block and the head and just keep circulating the system without going through the radiator. Maybe I should try that but its a lot of work.
To clean the bars leak out, you can use a 50/50 blend of vinegar and water and that'll dissolve the spooge. Might save you a couple of bucks.
I kinda doubt that just vinegar can dissolve bar's leak materials. Maybe / Maybe not but I already got a new radiator. 270k miles, maybe just give it a new one. Another problem is this: If I put vinegar into the expansion tank, it will take 20 to 25min for it to go to the engine block first and then go to the radiator. In this process, it will also dissolve the Bar's leak attached to the head. And once the vinegar is in the system, its hard to completely get them all out. If there is some left and it will prevent the effeteness of future Bar's leak. That may explain why it only lasted 3 to 4 months this year. I remember I poured some vinegar in around May after reading some post here. If you need to continue to use Bar's leak. I guess not to use vinegar
The problem is you may blow your engine in the middle of highway traffic and cause a wreck. The credit card trick is actually fraud and could cost you plenty and possibly even your freedom. Strictly from a financial standpoint, a blown Prius might be worth $500 and force you to buy an engine or car on the spur of the moment. Maybe next week or next month. If you have a repaired engine with a proper cooling system and heater, the car will be worth thousands more than the repair. Improved reliability and a better asset.
Its no fraud. Some credit card has extended warranty on everything you buy. It clogged, they should replace it according to the warranty policy. Also the seller already has 1 year warranty too.
I don't know which sealant you used but I used Bar's leak. It worked since July 2020 until it finally clogged my radiator. But thats after 4 bottles.
Another correct way to feed the bar's leak in I think its through the tubes of the heater core. Before thermostat opens, all the coolant will just circulate between engine block and heater core. I may try that, use a funnel to feed the Bar's leak into one of the heater tubes and then use that 5/8" connector to bypass the heater core. And then turn on the car until thermostat opens. Yes I think I figure it all out as Im typing. Most of normal cars are different, you can feed the sealant such as Bar's leak by the radiator cap or the expansion tank. The flow direction of 3rd gen prius is just different.
How is the radiator faulty or defective? You are causing the radiator to clog by using stop leak. That ain't the radiator manufacturer's problem and it shouldn't be warranted. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Are you convinced that Bar's Stop Leak is the best option? Just curious how you chose it over the other brands available? (I've used K-Seal on our Porsche with what I feel to be mixed results). REVVL V+ 5G ?
First time I used Bar's leak was July 2020 and the radiator was not clogged. It worked from July 20 to May 21. 10 months and I put on probably 20k miles on it. I will still stick with Bar's leak only even if I know it will eventually clog my radiator. If that buy me 1 year, its well worth it. I just keep changing radiator every 1 to 1.5 years no problems.
@kobear18 Do the Bar's Stop Leak instructions tell you to keep adding it, or are you adding on your own decision to stop/slow leaking? I tried Lucas Oil Stop Leak. Eventually I needed to add oil, it did not completely stop the oil burning, (until next oil change). When I contacted Lucas they told me to not add anymore stop leak, only add oil. For K-Seal I only added the amount recommended for the total volume of coolant in the system. I did not dare add any more but it is still losing coolant. I just add the 50/50 coolant/water. (I am scared to clog it). REVVL V+ 5G ?
Different situation my friend...i know i got a blown head and bars leak did seal it. Thats all i know. It kept adding becoz its waned out a lil by lil over times. But some of it built up in the radiator & clogged it now. This bars leak or any stop leak is a temp fix only. In order for it to have max effect is to bypass heater core n radiator while its in there. After its sealed n hardened up around the head, flush out the remaining stuff and then re-connect all the tubes