Is there some way to find out Production date HV battery in my Prius? I would lik to know how old it is?
Look at the serial number on the case sticker, under the battery part number. If it's the older style sticker, digit 2 and 3 will be the day of the month, digit 4 will be the month (1-9, x, y, z), digit 5 will be the year, with K=2007, L=2008 and so on. So, a serial number that starts with H237K....would have a manufacture date of July 23, 2007.
Keep in mind the chart in post #3 is for the serial numbers on the individual modules inside the battery case. It was provided to Toyota Techs to reference when verifying a core turn-in was unmolested. On the case sticker, the same rules apply, but the year code is 2 years earlier. ie....a K on a module is 2009, but on a case is 2007.
Still have to take a look...but what do u mean ¨...f it's the older style sticker, ...¨? Is there a ´new style´ also? And the only way to be sure is to look at the individual modules I guess cause modules could have been swapped,but for that i have to take out the whole battery don´t I and that for now is to much work.
Even though I have also read that, I personally haven't seen a Prius battery with the F marking. On your battery, the manufacturing date is 24 Apr 2007. Yes, there is. You don't need to take the HV battery out of the car, but you need to remove the trim to expose the battery enough to get the top cover off.
I have something that is bending my mind. I saw for sale a battery pack with the following ref H255VAK... So if i understand correctly: letter V=2020. Hoewever, the battery pack didnt look anywhere near as new (the car was from 2007), also the sticker was the old format (white Toyota letters with black background). Can anyone help me figure what is the production year for this battery?
No, as explained in post #4, the decoding in post #3 is the decode for modules inside the battery. The decoding for the case serial number starts two years earlier, so V=2018. H255VAK = 25 May 2018. What made it not look like new? You may need to look inside and confirm the module serial numbers, which I guess will be difficult seeing as it is a listing. It is very possible this is frankenstein battery.
thanks for your input Simply the case metal, i have seen new-ish batteries and the metal looks more shiny, this one did have a more "scratched" look, if that makes sense. I am really intrigued by this, it could indeed be a frankestein battery but what i find strange is that the reference indicates a new-ish battery, but the sitcker has the old format. Does anyone know if all the batteries have the white/blue sticker after a given date?
I don't know, but would also be interested to know. Maybe depends on where the battery is produced, if that's a thing. I know I've seen the newer label on a battery in a 2007 and it decoded to Oct 2007, so was not a new replacement. I'm sure others who see far more batteries in the wild will weigh in.