Hello, I'm the owner of the 2012 Prius v (called Prius+ in Europe) and I'm looking for PID files for this model. All the threads I've found so far are talking about the Prius GenI II or III but none mentions Prius v. If such file exists, could you point me to it please?
Welcome to Prius Chat! Prius v electronic are Gen 3 electronics so if you are looking for the OBD-II diagnostic codes, use Gen 3. Scañ tool code should also be gen 3. If PID is something else, let us know.
I think indeed that I'm looking for OBD-II codes. Full context: I'm using a solution called autopi (autopi.io) which knows how to extract information using the OBD port. It has some presets for many cars (for instance Prius models) but apparently very few my Prius v. Example of the info it extracts: FUEL_STATUS, "mode 01, code 03, header 7DF". I'm probably not using the right vocabulary, here is how I understand what it refers to: the device connects to OBD-II port, sends CAN messages with the mentioned characteristics and get back the relevant metric. What I'm looking for are the list of those values specific to Prius v that will allow to get remaining fuel in the tank, current position, ....
I am pretty sure the OP is interested in configuring an app like Torque Pro. A number of years ago, I imported a Toyota Prius specific PID file into my phone's Torque Pro app, and it was pretty extensive. I know it is out there somewhere.
If the prius v is using gen3 electronics, then GenIII Prius Custom PIDs for Torque app | PriusChat should be the way to go. I would appreciate confirmation since it will help me to know I'm in the right direction.
Thanks to this thread I've found which can be more or less transcripted for the system I'm using (autopi.io).