Arbitration eligible in 2022. $10.2MM in 2021 for his services is very reasonable. 2023 we'll see where the court gets packed.
Tampa won 100 games their way and even though they don't have many names you or I recognize (sans Nelson Cruz), they will be stiff competition . It'll be a good series to watch for those with no rooting interest .
You could also argue they haven't played a meaningful game for awhile given how far ahead in the AL East they were. Since The Red Sox have been in meaningful games since early September, that also could play to your favor. We'll know soon enough .
Thrilled to see my Boston Red Sox knock off the Yankees last night! Whether a team's won 100 games or 80 games in the regular season, it all means nothing once you get to October playoff season!
So the So Cal action begins and already down 1-0. Hard to get a more experienced pitching duel than Wainright vs. Sherzer. Maybe that one run will be enough. Beat LA.
Balanced scoreboard in a high-stakes game. Such commercial. With 5 hits so far, a wild pitch and a hit batter, it is hard to call this a duel between perfect pitchers. Vaya azul!
90-win Cardinales are good enough to hold Dodgers by short hairs (can I say that?) in post season. That's pretty good. And, there goes Scherzer ...
As we await change to today's 1-1 score, may I say that almost-100-mph pitches usta be rare. Now with better training, teams across the Majors get that stuff from their relievers. It oddly reminds me of race horses trained to run too fast and abandoned when muscles and ligaments exceed their bone-attachment spec. But today we do not care about such things. Looking towards 'extra innings' instead because this game can not end in a tie.
good enough because of wainwright? not sure about the rest of the team, or their octogenarian manager. i suspect it's going to be all giants, but i won't bet the ranch
so much for rust. sox sure looked outclassed. and houston beat tampa 5 out of 6. so much for banging the drum and wearing wires.
i thought when magic bought the team they went all out. yanks payroll must have been something. sox brought in tampa's gm, so future payroll is going to be interesting. 9-6 sox, i'm going to bed and will watch the last two innings with coffee.