anyone has an idea what this noise is, when I break around 20mph and turning the wheel? I think I'm not getting it when there is no turn.
Typical cv joint, have it checked because if it is a cv it could strand you without warning. Don't break your car when you are trying to brake.
A cv joint is a multi direction bearing assembly on your front drive axles. Two joints on each front axle. They have a rubber boot around them to protect the bearings from dirt and water. If the boot rips, grease inside is lost and dirt and water gets in. Which often causes failure. The cv joint can break causing you to be stranded. Best to have someone check them. Other noises are not as immediately serious.
Yes, I see your point now. The Toyota service however said it is the break pads that are not by T factory and a bit bigger. I don't necessarily trust them, will swap it and let the community know