For the past couple of weeks, I have noticed strange happenings occasionally when I try to unlock or lock ChuggyPyg (2009 Gen II Prius). It's like the system gets into a loop where the locks unlock, then they keep repeating the cycle, lock/unlock/lock/unlock and eventually the cycle stops. More often than not, all the doors are unlocked, however the driver's door is still locked! (and the dome lights are on!). The weather here in the North East has been burning hot for the past couple of weeks (temp inside car = 130ºF ) I am wondering if other readers have suffered similar problems, and perhaps ChuggyPyg is suffering from heat-stroke??? I thought perhaps it might be the fobs but I checked and even replaced the batteries, all to no avail!
Good suggestion! ChuggyPyg has appointment for oil/filter change later in the week, perhaps MrToyotaStealership might have some ideas!
Your Fob could be the problem. Is the red light that blinks when you push a button on it sometimes light up when you don't push the button?
Well, the problem seems to have disappeared along with the heat/humidity the North East has been subjected to for the last few weeks!