For those Prius-ites that live on Long Island, I'll be Traveling from Albany to Sunken Meadows state park on long island for a business event tomorrow 8am-3pm. So if you have free time, and are so inclined to waste the day in a state park. come on down to Assemblyman Vito Lopez's get together. If you do show up, I'll be working in the NYS Office of unclaimed funds booth. i'll be the younger guy. Sorry for the Short notice, and since i don't have a Prius of my own, you can't call it a get together. i promise if you show up, I'll get your picture and I'll try not to Drool on your Car.
no big deal, its usually just a bunch of old people dancing to salsa music. the older people get bused in by the truckload. no politics just music, older people, and BBQ. there is a golf course in sunken meadows, just pretend to go there and take a wrong turn.