Today after sitting for 75 minutes in 70F weather, when I powered on the car the Drive Battery Cooling Fan turned on. It only does that right after I've driven it hard on the freeway, not after sitting (before sitting it had dome ten minutes of only moderate freeway driving). Then merging onto the freeway nearly floored, acceleration 'surged', by which I mean that instead of a smooth acceleration I got lags and kept to 60 mph. These lags only lasted about five minutes. On the way home I started the car again (no fan this time), freeway-merged and accelerated hard (as much as 0 to 70) some more times, but no more lag. At this point I wouldn't have been surprised if the Drive Battery Cooling Fan turned on again, and it did...but not until after about ten minutes of driving slow on city streets. I'm nervous this might be the first sign of drive battery issues. The Green Bars still go to the top. Fortunately I wasn't planning to drive it again until it's appointment in a week for 100K service at Art's here in Berkeley, California.
yeah, it could be borderline, since you don't have any codes. art will sort you out. maybe the fan is clogged
Thanks very much for your reply, bisco! (I always forget about codes; I gotta get me one of those code reading thingies.) The fan being clogged is a nice thought, I'm gonna let that relax me until it's sorted!
Art's thinks it is the first sign of drive battery death. I was about to sell it when the pandemic started, and don't drive enough to merit a hybrid...but given the car shortage and the shape it's in (I had them do an inspection), when it does die I'm gonna drop the $2.6K on having them replace the battery. We didn't bother to clean the battery fan. The timing of the anomalous fan activity doesn't really suggest it, and I never had a pet in the car or drove an inch in dusty conditions when the windows weren't closed. If it weren't for my carpal tunnel, I'd probably clean the fan anyway just for fun.
I missed your year but would suggest if nothing else find a mechanically inclined kid that can follow directions and pull the fan to clean it. You might be surprised how dirty it is. Pulled the fan on my 06 and it had maybe 1/4 inch space between the black fan blades. Imagine my surprise after I sprayed the fan down with some 409 and discovered the fan was white and the space was actually 3/8 of an inch or so lol
my cooling fan was filthy! no pets and windows always up too so i wouldn’t assume it’s clean View attachment 217430
A new OEM costs around 1800 with tax, plus the dealership refundable 'core charge'. Art's installation sounds a bit pricey, even if worth it. When the time comes, reach out and I can do the install for less or little/nothing, which would include cleaning the HV battery fan. Besides going with dealer OEM battery, there are currently a couple of NEW aftermarket options as well : | Home (known product from a PC member, and in use for years now) (fairly new technology, with no reported issues thus far)
SFO depending on time frame neither are an option if it's second gen. Both are out of stock accepting pre order but I believe I read somewhere on Prius chat November is next shipment and already sold out. If I won the lottery I would gladly loan either company money to buy enough stock to keep these on the shelf though ..... Come on lucky numbers lol