See the attached photo, I have used the charger discharger few times without issue. Today I observed something unusual. I did the full charge first like normal. Voltage was level for 4 hours and then I started the discharge. Ran some errands and forgot about it when I got home. Went in the garage later that night and seen voltage dropped to 002. Had the discharge set to 134, but as you can see the light was not lit for some reason. I know when I left it was set to 134 and was blinking discharging. Not sure if this is normal or not but why did the voltage not stop at 134 and did I screw up the battery? I stopped it and began the filling stage again for overnight.
Do you use the automatic discharger? Or the light bulbs? What condition was your battery in before you started? When I did mine, when it got to the point it was supposed to, it would shut off, and the voltage would start rising.... Double check the harness and make sure the connections are good. If the charger charges normally, do another discharge, I dont' know how many you were planning on doing or have done. Then keep an eye on it and see if it completely discharges the battery. The discharger could be bad. You should contact Prolong and see what they can tell you.
automatic discharger and battery was behaving normal prior to discharge…. I’ll double check connections tomorrow, but it appears the filling stage is rising normal. Maybe I left it on discharges too long. I’ll see what happens when I try and discharge tomorrow.
With the automatic discharger, when the cycle is complete, it shuts off. So it wouldn't matter how long you left it on. Unless there is something wrong with it. It could also mean one of the cells is very weak. Hopefully when the cycles are complete the battery is fine.
Did you try charging it back up? How long was your errand? How long was the discharger attached to the hv battery pack when you took the pic?
Found out was user error. The discharge was done and then it looks like I clicked discharge again. Did three more discharge/charge cycles and no issue.