I recently bought a Garmin dashcam and would like to hide the wire. I was able to hide majority of them very well except the section where I need to go underneath the area below steering wheel and above pedals. There is a panel that can be remove and put the wire inside. The area I'm referring to is the part 55303b (see diagram below, right blow the second box). I can't reference the panel number because it is not within the diagram but it covers 55303b and the position is exactly where the arrow is pointed to. Any idea how I can remove or partial open it? Thanks!
Toyota Prius detailed install! How to install illuminated door sills - YouTube Not sure if this is what you are looking for but check around the 20 min mark. I installed my sill the same way this guy did and will be looking to hardwire a dash cam myself once I decide on which camera to get.