How do I get rid of these constant spider webs in my side view mirror (driver side)? They are inhibiting the use of my side view mirror. I can't see with all these webs! I've already tried spraying water into the openings of the mirror (with a hose), and inserting a thin object (nail file) around that opening (all the way around the opening) to no avail. I think the spider must be inside the mirror!
Interesting - I'm in Australia, it's spring and got some lovely webs being built around the garden at the moment - and I've spotted a few huntsmen inside - not sure what they're eating, as there are no other insects around. Maybe that's why - they've got em already. No - sorry, no idea how to keep them from the mirror - if I've had them, I got into the habit of brushing the web away before I got in the car in the morning - and they seemed to lose interest.
i sprayed the inside with spider poison. had one in my rearview mirror too. he would drop down out of the adjuster switch hole at the most importune times
Just put on a glove, or a pair of gloves, and wipe the webs away before you get into the car. Spiders are good at keeping other worse insects under control.
I don't understand. If they really ARE spyder webs, then you should be able to get TO them somehow. OTOH, if what you are seeing really is "spider web" cracks in the mirror ........then that's a whole different problem.
Yep - almost all are friends. While Australia has many venemous spiders, apparently no-one has been killed by a spider bite in Australia since 1979. Meanwhile, we have many less horses - but about 20 deaths per year. I assume not by bites - though my daughter was bitten by a horse last year. I don't particularly like walking through webs. Our beautiful Golden Orb Weaver spiders are out at the moment - and every night put up a web between shrubs - take it down by morning. But if I happen to go out looking for the dog through the night, I feel bad about breaking their webs. They probably feel the vibrations and thing - wow, got a massive mozzie this time.
Eliminating is one thing, discouraging is another. A soap solution will usually work to dispatch most insects and won't cause any damage like insecticides might. I agree with those who say spiders are a good thing, but for me they have to be doing good things elsewhere. Not in my house or in my car. You might try the repellent effects of a peppermint oil-water mixture, or other environmentally friendly solutions.
That's more my experience too; I was about to post earlier that the glove, or two gloves, suggestion's of little use to me, as I seem to be most often clearing webs with my face.