On my Gen 2 car the battery pack lasted about 16 years. If the past owner had cleaned the HV batt fan or moved the sensors to trigger the fan system earlier, maybe it would have lasted a bit longer. I'm hoping that post rebuild/balance and relocation of the 3 heat sensors to the center of the pack I get 3-5 years more at least.
I don’t see moving the sensors all to the middle does anything. In other words, 3 sensors reading a higher temp vs just one reading that temp, makes no diff; one is enough. cleaning the fan periodically is good though.
I think moving the sensors is a bad idea.. especially if you don't know the intentions of the sensors. I believe the outer sensors are there to detect a problem in the battery pack between the middle and the end.. not determine fan speed. If you move it to the middle then it can't catch an over heating problem on the end / quarter location cells as early as it could and you could be creating a more dangerous situation.. suppose the battery catches fire and they figure out you moved the clips.. and suppose your fire caused other damage to other property, you could be liable for that damage... or your insurance my deny your claim to pay for your own property due to your own negligence. When i replaced my bad modules I did move the inner modules to the outside for a longer battery life.
This is an interesting supposition. Can you provide the supporting information/sources for your concern about why not to move the sensors? I did this because some source (I'd have to search) said that the fan comes on (or goes to a higher speed) when any of the (3?) sensors requires it to. I figured I want to be conservative with battery temperature by being aggressive with fan triggering. As to working on the HV battery, I suppose someone could find out I worked on my own HV battery, or I changed my own car's fluids...or I didn't go to driving school 35 years ago - and use that to put extra blame on me for something.