Below is a portion of the NIA that has been often quoted in part. I present the other part... ... the "National Intelligence Assessment made equally clear. If the Al Qaeda and Iranian backed terrorists win in Iraq they will be further encouraged in their war against us. If they are defeated, then the defeat will go heavy with them; and we will indeed be the beneficiaries." Do you think if we lose this war in Iraq or if we withdraw al-Qaeda will "follow us home"? I bring this up as a direct contradiction to the Vietnam War in which we withdrew and the Viet Cong stayed put. They did not extend the battle beyond their immediate borders. Do you think al-Qaeda will follow suit with the Viet Cong and just stop if they "win" or will they press on and extend the battle beyond their immediate borders? Thanks for your responses in advance.
I'd say there are big differences between the two. Vietnam started over there and ended over there - sure there were reasons for it - which i'm not about to start attacking or defending - but the simple fact is that we weren't involved until we decided to be involved. with al-Queda, we were. they were attacking us and such way before we got involved in Iraq, and there's no reason to think it won't continue if we lose the war. So basically, the Viet Cong had no real reason to continue the war over here - they got "enough" of what they wanted. al-Queda and the like don't just want us to leave them alone and let them rule themselves as communists, though - they want to see our downfall.
I think we should have finished the job we started in 2001. Namely getting "public enemy number 1". You know who I'm talking about ... the RNC recently used him in a campaign ad. If he escaped into Pakistan, as claimed, why wasn't that the next front on terrorism. Pakistan has weapons of mass destruction. And as soon as Mr. Al-Qaeda ended up there, they became a state harboring terrorists. How's that different from what we were told about Iraq? Personally, I think this war will win us nothing. Even if we somehow managed to wipe out every single last terrorist entity in Iraq & Iran, religious extremism would still exist. Unless you have some magical way of wiping that out, it will always be a threat.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Proco @ Nov 2 2006, 09:57 AM) [snapback]342494[/snapback]</div> Do you think al-Qaeda will press on with their attacks if we leave Iraq or lose the war there?
The question seems a bit moot to me. After all, as long as they are accomplishing their goals, two of which were getting Saddam out of power so a theocracy could rule Iraq, and getting U.S. troops out of Saudi Arabia, then they don't need to attack us. The Israel/Palestine issue is still there, though, so I guess anything is possible. What do the terrorists want? Maybe not what we think. Take the quiz here and find out. It's short and worthwhile reading.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Beryl Octet @ Nov 2 2006, 10:19 AM) [snapback]342513[/snapback]</div> I just want your opinion - do they stop and do they continue if we lose or withdraw?
Once you understand that the mind of the fundamentalist muslim (ala christian crusaders, hundreds of years ago) equates the destruction of all that is non-muslim, you have your answer. Heck the arab countries think nothing of killing their own ... how much more, those (religious or secular) who support Isreal? The only good thing about peak oil, and the eventual / inevitable lessoning of fossle fuels is that the funding for muslim terrorism will lesson (IMHO).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hill @ Nov 2 2006, 10:25 AM) [snapback]342519[/snapback]</div> So you are of the opinion that they will follow if we "lose" the Iraq War?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 2 2006, 10:20 AM) [snapback]342515[/snapback]</div> If only it were that simple. If the Palestinien situation were resolved, and Iraq were a stable country, then I'd say they'd stop, since, to quote the quiz ref'd above, most people just want to get on with their lives and aren't political. So, IMHFO, they'll continue no matter what we do to a certain extent, but what we're doing now in Iraq is feeding into the cycle.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Beryl Octet @ Nov 2 2006, 10:36 AM) [snapback]342530[/snapback]</div> So they will follow us home. Thanks. So far everyone (granted n= less than 10) thinks al-Qaeda will follow us home if we lose the Iraq War unlike the Viet Cong who stayed home.
This is stupid. Its not like Al Qaeda (if such a thing really exists) is just in Iraq and somehow we are a wall keeping them there. We should be fighting worldwide terrorism that could be anyone anywhere. The attacks in London and Madrid were done by homegrown terrorists. Even 9/11 was pepetrated by legal "visitors" from Saudi Arabia!! And let's not forget about Timothy McVeigh, not related to Al Qaeda but terrorism just the same. What happens in Iraq has no bearing whatsoever on the war on terror and is actually a stupid and deadly distraction.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ Nov 2 2006, 10:54 AM) [snapback]342539[/snapback]</div> I think your conclusion is wrong. al-zawahari was al-qaeda in Iraq and others there have recently sworn allegence to OBL too if I am not mistaken. Sidebar: you want us to fight terrorism worldwide - explain how we do that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 2 2006, 09:41 AM) [snapback]342487[/snapback]</div> Thanks for everyones responses - 100% agreement that unlike the Viet Cong, al-Qaeda will follow us if we are defeated or withdraw from Iraq. I agree completely with that assesment - seeing how they attacked us on our home soil before the Iraq War. Have a nice day to all
I sincerely hope they do not follow me home. The house is in a mess and we just ran out of beer - wait a minute ...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 2 2006, 10:35 AM) [snapback]342528[/snapback]</div> Maybe I haven't been listening carefully, but are you sure the USA is at war with Iraq? I am under the impression that after S. Hussein had been ousted, a legitimate Iraq government was set up and Allied troops remained in Iraq to help train Iraq security services and overcome dissidents. "Losing" & "winning" do not seem to be the right words here. Better would be "succeeding" or "failing".
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Nov 2 2006, 11:58 AM) [snapback]342583[/snapback]</div> Dont worry, you would vote for them too since they and the Dems have similar platforms and beliefs and disdain for US Armed Forces :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 2 2006, 12:05 PM) [snapback]342590[/snapback]</div> Boy, that sure is funny! Who knew you could be so funny?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 2 2006, 12:20 PM) [snapback]342552[/snapback]</div> There was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until after we went there. There was no Al Qaeda until after we went to Saudi Arabia for Gulf War I. I don't know that al-Zawahiri was ever in Iraq, so I'm not sure how he could have been Al Qaeda in Iraq. Maybe Al Qaeda Outside of Iraq.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Nov 2 2006, 08:41 AM) [snapback]342487[/snapback]</div> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Plato @ The Republic : Book1, Part3)</div> Personally, I don't think it matters. And I disagree with the report. In my Toniocentric universe, there are sleeper cells scattered throughout the United States, England, Spain, Germany, Asia, and other countries and continents already. If we "win" in Iraq, we are defeating at best half of the militants and terrorists. I liken this to removing a cancer-infected organ after the desease has spread to the rest of the body. On the other hand, if we "lose" in Iraq, those sleeper cells are still there. This is akin to removing only part of the organ after the cancer has spread. You can say that I'm being bleak, but from day one, I have held to the belief that there is no stopping these people. They will attack us at home (and Spanish trains, and English Metros, and mass-transit systems, and large commercial buildings) after we leave Iraq regardless of what we believe we did or did not accomplish. Let me try to put that another way. If you don't like me and kill me today you might sleep well tonight but tomorrow my brothers will fight back with a vengence.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Nov 2 2006, 01:08 PM) [snapback]342637[/snapback]</div> Perhaps the documentary "Power of Nightmares" might help you sleep better.