So my 2021 AWD-e LE, which now has around 2000 miles, is clunking when coming to a full stop. If I brake to a stop with usual force (not hard, but not super gentle) it happens as the car comes to a complete stop. If I brake very gently to come to a stop as softly as possible, the clunk doesn't sound. Brakes are fine otherwise. Therefore, I think it is perhaps mechanical - like a brake pad being engaged or disengaged, and is sort of ker-clunk sound. Sound comes from front. Anyone here have any hints / clues / advice? I'm not in the mood to take this to the dealer (I don't like dealers, especially their up-selling, poorly-treated techs in their service departments), book it in, wait, have some lightly trained person mess around with it - I'll live with it until I have time to look into it myself.
do not know. But I get a clunk when first driving out of my parking spot after having been parked for a while. Nothing indicative of what it could be. Suspension, maybe.
I think I've noticed it - but never worried me. I've thought it probably is the regeneration braking handing over to disk braking for the final stop. And - it's never the same, depending on whether it's uphill or down etc.
Thanks both for the replies. @alanclarkeau - if regen braking is used and handing over to disks at the end, that would make sense. I'll investigate, but is there any literature on how much regen vs. actual braking is used? As said, I get this clunk coming to a regular stop (not emergency, but not trying to be super soft) - would be great if most of the deceleration was captured through regen rather than lost ot braking...
Does it sound like this? go to you tube and search: @toyotafrenirumorosiscricch2355 Long run around from dealer and toyota europe, eight trips to dealer,they tried this and that . Not cured so now they say it is just "friction"