There are inspection procedures in the Repair Manual (more info) for some of the suspension components, but you may need a vehicle lift. You can test the front and rear shock absorbers without any special equipment, however: Toyota says to “Compress and extend the shock absorber rod 4 times or more,” with the standard result that “There is no abnormal resistance or sound.” Here’s a video showing this done as part of the Toyota Express Maintenance process: Front (3:35): Rear (4:27):
I inherited a memory foam seat cushion today. Just wondering, should I be focusing on one which has some sort of back support? Or is just a seat cushion enough?
^ That's a question best answered by your doctor. Did you ever go in for a diagnosis? That thumb thing I had is 100% cured now. I don't wear a brace anymore and my hand is back to full strength. But none of that started until I took the step of getting in front of a doctor who could tell me what the actual root problem was.
What exactly does that entail? What kind of doctor? I just saw my doctor for a checkup and he advised about how to tend to the piriformis - says many patients have this problem - but he didn't exactly examine the injury.
I just went to my regular GP. I haven't even been using this one very long. He ran me through a series of tests, mostly just manipulating my hand probing for painful movements. It only took a few minutes, and he told me he saw a case like mine about every 3 weeks. Once I knew what it was, it was easy to learn exercises to rebuild strength and get the right kind of wrist brace to keep it from getting inflamed until everything was back in shape. Of course I still had to buckle down and you know, do the exercises and stretches and stuff... but it really wasn't bad. I don't know anything about problems of the piriformis, but I'm happy to hear that you've talked to your doctor about it to get some proper guidance.
Mine was answered by the PT therapist that my primary care practitioner referred me to. A generic inherited cushion is unlikely to be a correct fit for a particular patient's problem.
Ha well perhaps. I think it’s pretty decent. The brand is called everlasting comfort. The things I inherit from my parents tend to be pretty good quality. I don’t think I have the money to see a physical therapist at the moment but I would certainly like to. Looking into it.
If anybody knows a good brand of this cushion for the car for people with this issue, that would be appreciated.
Thanks very much, I will be currently looking into finally getting a seat cushion that will address this. You said you had already done this - I don't suppose you have a recommendation?
Call me crazy, but I was wondering if there would be any value in trying to add some padding to the accelerator and the brake. Is it possible that some damage to my legs or lower back could be from vibrations in those pedals, or in my braking in general?
Okay, you're crazy. Padding the pedals? Just try different shoes if you want to test that theory. Way easier and much less likely to cause an accident.
try different pillows and cushions.. doesn't exactly have to be memory foam.. I do a lot of driving for hours doing deliveries out of state.. also the wear and tear on your seat from previous owners might have diminished the cushion that's there.. or even yourself if you're heavy. As a cheap option for pillows you might want to check garage sales, ebay, and thrifts stores.. i scored one from a handicapped chair in a thrift store for like 3 bux.. those things were designed to be sat on all day.. memory foam might not be strong enough.