<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Oct, 08:14 PM) [snapback]341648[/snapback]</div> In the remark I'm sure you're referring to, Kerry was not talking about the military. He was talking about Bush.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(juniper @ Oct 31 2006, 07:35 PM) [snapback]341705[/snapback]</div> Quite possible, he should still apologize but not for calling the troops stupid. I addressed that issue in this post. http://priuschat.com/index.php?s=&show...st&p=341764 Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Oct 31 2006, 05:26 PM) [snapback]341657[/snapback]</div> I laughed out load on this one: Wildkow playing the "taste" card while amusing pictures of that paragon of civility, Hitler, are flashed around for cheap chortling. But Schmika is right. This thread was supposed to be a tribute to a fallen son. Almost immediately it became a Clinton bash. So let me lead this motley crew back to that point and remember what brought us here: "A Navy SEAL sacrificed his life to save his comrades by throwing himself on top of a grenade Iraqi insurgents tossed into their sniper hideout, fellow members of the elite force said. Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor had been near the only door to the rooftop structure Sept. 29 when the grenade hit him in the chest and bounced to the floor" In a month where we lost about 105 of our youth, let's take a moment to memorize the name of one of them who lived up to our nation's highest ideals. "Greater love than this has no man, that he lay down his life for a friend." I salute Michael Monsoor and will raise a toast to him when I sit at tables of his mess-mates. Ten-hut! A hero just left the bridge!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ditto @ Nov 1 2006, 07:59 AM) [snapback]341899[/snapback]</div> Who asked? It's what I say. Maybe you can drop the rant and show a little humanity.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Nov 1 2006, 07:53 AM) [snapback]341894[/snapback]</div> Errr. you need to go back to the first post and read the first 2 or 3 reply’s. Because the truth of the matter is that this post about a fallen hero didn’t almost immediately become a Clinton bashing topic it immediately became a Bush bashing post. Not until later was Clinton mention and the ratio is like 5 or 10 to 1. Yep, that's me lecturing someone on tastelessness in posts, something I received (lecture) from the mod's on this board for my posts but it seems they don't apply this to other liberals. If yours wasn't a below the belt personal attack of the most vitriolic nature you also demeaned the entire state of Florida. As I said before tasteless and now I can tack on a classless reply, Sort of like Kerry's narcissistic reply for his stupid tasteless remarks yesterday. Wildkow p.s. Nice try on pinning the Hitler images on me but I didn’t have anything to do with them. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Nov 1 2006, 08:50 AM) [snapback]341942[/snapback]</div> No worries mate. An example of Alnilam's humanity. :lol: http://priuschat.com/index.php?s=&show...st&p=340682 Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Nov 1 2006, 11:18 AM) [snapback]342076[/snapback]</div> In the first place, what's "taste" got to do with it? Taste is what shirt you wear with those plaid pants. It's a cultural thing. I think the word you're looking for to call me is something like "elitist." You might have me there. I sort of feel that there are some minimal standards that should be met before people open their mouths in public. If they don't meet them, they shouldn't be surprised at the responses that come their way. When people post things here that are arrogant and pushy in third grade language, it makes me wonder. You see, I don't think PG04 is really as stupid as he writes. He just doesn't care. It's like Bush saying "nucular" all the time. He knows better but it makes him feel more like one of the boys to sound dumb. My spelling is terrible but I use a spell checker that was free and takes about five seconds to run. Since words in print are all we have to judge each other by, perhaps a little more care would be a lot more effective. But, like I said, you don't care. I'm not condemning the whole state of Florida. I'm just noticing that some of the most ignorant posts on PriusChat seem to come from there. I asked another Floridian if there was something in the water but he took offense at that. Gee! But I will keep an eye out for signs of intelligent life from the peninsula and let you know how ignorant I was when they dump on me. I'm actually hoping I am wrong and there are reasonable people there. This regional idea came to me after Berman advocated nuking California or, at the very least, giving San Francisco and Los Angeles to the North Koreans. How tasteful did you rate that in your response to him? I forget...... Hitler was mentioned because your "tastefulness" hackles weren't raised by him as much as my comments above. I'll study your posts harder for lessons on humor. It all has to do with flashy emoticons, doesn't it?
...yeah, and all the crackpot liberals seem to exchange oxygen in California. Should any of us be surprised? I agree with dberman, give LA and/or SF to the N. Koreans.... :lol: Better yet, give LA to the Mexicans, put a big wall around San Fransisco, and let them make it into some sort of gay utopia.... Doesn't matter though, 'cause when the great quake comes (and it WILL come with all mathematical certainty), most of CA will be underwater anyway....
"some sort of gay utopia...." This is MS's "idee fixe". idee fixe Pronunciation: (")E-"dA-'fEks Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural idées fixes /same/ Etymology: French, literally, fixed idea : an idea that dominates one's mind especially for a prolonged period : OBSESSION I wonder why? On second thought, I don't.
"God bless our young soldiers" Deconstructed, this goes as follows: God is a mythological being that does not exist, any more than Thor or Apollo therefore There is no one to bless our young soldiers therefore they have no supernatural protection (or even decent body armor) therefore We have to bring them home ASAP. Any logical flaws? (By the way, if you maintain God does exist, please provide verifiable evidence)
Quoth the Squid: "I've always put up this challenge to anyone: Show me a post, where for no reason what so ever, I have ever gone on the offensive and personally attacked someone." <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Nov 1 2006, 12:45 PM) [snapback]342132[/snapback]</div> Now that didn't take long, did it? “and if noko could take out california or parts of it - so be it - they never wanted money spent on star wars or related technologies - they never wanted a strong military deterence - ironic they are first in noko's nuclear sights - ironic how they must be feeling in berkeley tonight - must be resting comfortably seriously, we can understand why noko launches a nuke at us and takes out part of california - if they do i hope we dont do anything silly in return like strike back and make any more people mad at us or give reason to those to attack us again. i would just offer a peace settlement - give him san fran or la in return for a peace treaty†From the collected works of that great American humorist David Berman, M.D. Sounds a little hostile to me. Speaking for all Californians, we feel personally attacked by you and your partner Berman. Concerning going underwater, I have the feeling that Florida may get there first, if Gore is right. You do agree with him, don't you?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jared2 @ Nov 1 2006, 05:36 PM) [snapback]342170[/snapback]</div> Ok so who says Logic / Science exists? you believe in them because someone told you to, because someone wrote the equation down on paper.. whos to say its real? you? professors, doctors, scientists? whos to say they are right? you could be basing your whole existance on a lie based on proof because joe said its the way it is, just like the religion haters against those who believe in God.. Thats our rite the freedom of religion. In school theres a seperation of church & state so you can not celebrate christ-mass, what about hannuaka kuwanza or muslim holidays? if theres a jehovas witness in your class your not supposed to celebrate hollidays because its not believed in, are the others allowed to celebrate thier holidays in school? I hear they do, that sounds like a violation of rights.. Doesn't it? (yeah its not spelled right but so what) The problem with society today comes down to: Do what feels good, and do what you want to do. Even if its not really the right thing to do, no worries.... right? :mellow: Again it just comes around full circle he said ,she said, i believe in this and you don't. You believe in something that I do not... no winners here, just a badly beaten perverbial carcass.... :mellow: