Finally...they travel far away to find a victim(s)... Irvine catalytic converter theft suspects arrested after pursuit | KTLA
What happens when your arrested in LA county for catalytic converter theft. 20 arrested in catalytic converter thefts in Torrance crackdown - Los Angeles Times no problem, revolving door policy “In 10 separate incidents over the past three weeks, Torrance police arrested 20 people suspected of stealing catalytic converters. All were suspected of grand theft and released with zero bail, according to Ponegalek. He would not comment on whether the no-bail releases are undermining the crackdown efforts. He did say that one of the arrested suspects was carrying in his pocket a citation related to other catalytic converter thefts.”
LA is a good place for criminals and their DA is a pro-criminal AH. Orange county still has a bail system and much tougher on criminals.
In Islamic countries theft demands the removal of your right hand per Shariah, makes it easy to spot a thief
In severe cases where people are behaving inhuman towards others inhuman punishment makes sense, Death penalty Castration Removing a finger or hand Fall into the eye for an eye category , the trouble is the wrong people seem to get the wrong punishment If you could absolutely know and have a perfect way of identifying actual criminals in a swift justice it would be a vindication but sadly we don’t live in a world where only bad people get what’s coming and money plays a big role
Funny how everybody always SAYS that but there's not this mad dash to actually MOVE to nations that enjoy the benefits of these 'divine laws.' .....and MOST of the people who DO wish out loud that we should call repeat thieves "lefty" happen to be biological males. Trivia Question!!! Why the RIGHT hand? has to do with the local availability of paper! AND....NOTHING to do with most people being 'North-paws.' Fun Fact: South-paws (Or...those being "wrong-handed") are discriminated against.....and it's been happening for a long time. "Ambidextrous" people have the ability to use both hands with equal dexterity. ...If I'm correctly informed by the Googles, It comes from the Latin word ambidexter, which means......................................... “right-handed' on both sides.
They've been following the guy for a while. They got a judge to approve application of a GPS tracker. The local sheriff advised the detectives not to go to that part of town for their own safety. They got lucky, as the vehicle was driven to a shopping mall, where the tracker was placed. They then had to wait and hope the vehicle was taken back to Orange County (jurisdiction, and all) so they could make the arrest. So there's a lot of logistical hurdles, but sometimes it works!
Amazing.....they(law enforcement) have to do so much to arrest criminals...I appreciate men/women in LE and their efforts.
It's exceptionally frustrating when the detectives have loads of evidence/proof (video, fingerprints, etc.) but they can't get the judge to issue a warrant.
In my region, the city of Everett seems to be recovering enough cats that suspiciously look stolen, but are untraceable, that they are starting a program to engrave VINs on cats as ID: Everett Police Department hits back against catalytic converter thieves The first engraving event will be Aug 21. But it is limited to residents of the city only, and all appointment slots were booked in just two hours after announcing the program. They hope to host more such events. Catalytic converter theft prevention (Project Cat Con ID)
In the story in the OP's link, there were actually 3 people. It turned into a police pursuit, then they all bailed and the cops found the abandoned vehicle. Inside was a battery powered saw, a catalytic converter, and several spend blades. Within a few minutes, a few people called the cops about strangers banging on their door and asking what city they were in (?!). The pictured man's hands, arms, and back were oily/greasy. He claimed he took an Uber to meet someone, but his phone didn't even have the Uber app on it. The lady spilled the beans. Unfortunately, the only people who can positively identify the main suspect/driver have prior arrests, which doesn't look good in court. The guy who disappeared already has warrants for other violations. This one case is still a work in progress!
This week in Portland, a man walked into a cafe and helped himself to a soda. Just drank the whole thing. When the owner told him to pay, he got belligerent and punched her in the head several times. He fled, three officers caught up with him two blocks away and he injured three of them. They took him to jail, charged him with FIVE felonies. Judge released him the next morning. Brutal attack on Portland coffee shop owner is ‘devastating’ |
Damn, we need to do that in Seattle. I'll ping my representatives. Would be good PR for the police, who can't seem to stop gassing people in my neighborhood and pepper-spraying little girls. I'm very pissed at how often these thieves and the like get very little punishment. Of course they'll do it again, if it's "catch and release." I say make them work to pay their victims back.