我是普锐斯 2010 的新主人。我喜欢机电一体化。我住在斐济,一个太平洋岛国。这辆二手车是半年前买的,距离17万公里。在过去的六个月里,我做了一些维修和保养:1.更换制动执行器和泵,2.更换和清洁制动液,3.维护混合动力电池,更换9节电池,清洁风扇,4.调整前轮前束角为0,前后轮前束角为4mm,加垫片调整到0、5,胎压前39 psi,36 psi。6、刹车油缸、刹车片、导轨保养管、排气、 7、更换前平衡杆胶套(有点异响)。车辆现在正在轻快地移动。mpg 已增加到约 65(日晷为 28km/l),这是 50-54(日晷为 21-23km/l)。我很满意。第二次20km左右,最高时速70km/h,一般40-50km/h。EV模式可行驶约2km(低速低油门)。用obd检测14组电池电压低,故障灯不触发。如果你更换一些低容量电池,你可以获得更多的 EV 里程和 mpg。请高手指点。
sorry,wrong language I am the new owner of Prius 2010. I like mechanical and electronic technology. I live in Fiji, a Pacific island country. This second-hand car was bought half a year ago and is 170,000 kilometers away. In the past six months, I have done some repairs and maintenance: 1. Replace the brake actuator and pump, 2. Replace and clean the brake fluid, 3. Maintain the hybrid battery, replace 9 batteries, clean the fan, 4. Adjust the toe angle of the front wheel to 0, and adjust the toe angle of the rear wheel to 0, 5 before the rear wheel toe angle is 4mm, 39 psi and 36 psi before the tire pressure. 6. Brake cylinders, brake pads, guide rail maintenance, exhaust, 7. Replace the front balance rod rubber sleeve (a little abnormal noise). The vehicle is now moving briskly. The mpg has been increased to about 65 (28km/l for the sundial), before 50-54 (21-23km/l for the sundial). I am very satisfied. The general travel distance is about 20km, and the maximum speed is 70km/h, generally 40-50km/h. The EV mode can travel about 2km (low speed and low throttle). Use obd to detect that the battery voltage of the 14th group is low, and the fault light does not trigger. If you replace some low-capacity battery cells, can you get more EV mileage and mpg? Please expert guidance.
welcome and well done! not expert, but generally, a weaker battery not throwing codes doesn't produce noticeable mpg reduction. have you cleaned the egr circuit?
I haven’t cleaned the egr system. It doesn’t seem to be simple. I am going to find the solvent needed for cleaning locally, and then find a way to disassemble it. I really want to complete this work because it has a great impact on the fuel efficiency of the engine. , Even if I still don't feel anything.
if you replaced the brake actuator, this is simple, and will help reduce the chance of a blown head gasket. add an oil catch can as well. see: @NutzAboutBolts youtube channel
EGR info in the link in my signature. Cleaning agents: EGR cooler (the large component bolts to exhaust manifold: repeated Oxi-Clean, powdered laundry detergent additive, moderately caustic, has hydrogen peroxide too I think, and "eats" carbon, slow but sure. Mix the powder with hot tap water, as concentrated as possible, cork one end of cooler and pour in the solution. Let "percolate" for about an hour (till bubbling subsides), rinse and repeat as required. In my experience, with a lightly clogged coolder, it took about 5 one hour sessions.: Throttle body (might as well clean while it's off): carburetor cleaner. Intake manifold, EGR valve and pipe: brake cleaner. Pay close attention to the small diamter (1/4"~) EGR passages, one per port.
Sorry, I didn't explain it clearly. In previous posts, this used car had braking problems. When I bought it, there were four fault lights in total, that is, ABS VSC brake exclamation mark. It was the problem of the brake actuator. The pressure leakage led to the busy work of the pump and eventually damaged, so the brake actuator and pump must be replaced, Buy used car parts locally for replacement. The reason for maintaining the brake pads, brake cylinder and guide pipe is to reduce the friction resistance to improve the mpg. What I don't understand is, is there any connection between the brake system and the cylinder head gasket?
For me, carbon deposit cleaning has always been a very difficult problem. Thank you for your advice. What I want to ask is, to what extent can be cleaned by soaking in hot water with powdered washing powder? Can the carbon deposit be completely cleaned by soaking without using a brush? That's good news, washing powder can be seen everywhere.
Berrymans carb cleaner does a good job if you're going to soak it for days... Oven cleaner will clean it out in 30 minutes. And a pressure washer first to clear it out. The oven cleaner will actually clean out the solid parts. Even if you have to do it a few times. If you have a spare cooler, then you can let it soak for a few weeks and not worry about it.
Thank you for your reply. I seem to understand what you mean. That is, the function of EGR system is to reduce the temperature of combustion chamber. If it has problems, it may lead to the increase of combustion temperature, and there is a certain probability that it will lead to cylinder gasket leakage. This is the relationship between them. If the cylinder head gasket leaks and there is pressured cooling water around it, my goodness, it will almost have catastrophic consequences.
Is Berrymans carb only available in the United States? I am studying its substitutes. You have provided a good solution. Thanks again!
Sorry, just realized you are not in America. I am not sure if it's available where you are. You can check auto parts stores for it. If they have any carb cleaner will do the job. Berrymans is just very good. If they have it in non spray cans, that's what you want. You can also try white vinegar, it's inexpensive and will take longer, but it should eventually eat the carbon build up.
Thank you for your reply. I'll look for carbon cleaning substitutes. I have encountered new problems. Due to covid-19, I stay at home and want to change the transmission oil today. The repairman found that the bayonet of the oil drain screw is damaged and can't be removed. At present, what I can think of is to unscrew it with a pipe wrench tool first. It's best to avoid knocking it with a hammer. If it can be disassembled, the oil drain screw needs to be replaced. This is a new problem.
It worked for me, with only moderate deposits. Oxi-Clean is funny stuff, maybe some biological ingredient? If you can’t find it, oven cleaner has been used. Or a few lye crystals dissolved in water? A cork that fits is paramount, or you can cobble, a dowel whittled down to a taper, covered with a rubber glove. I can dig up cork dimension info.
Try valve grinding compound. Smear some on the wrench and a little in the hole of the bolt. You'll have to tap in the allen wrench so try to get it aligned correctly. And it will be tricky. Make sure you do the filler bolt first!!! I've removed several allen bolt this way.
Sometimes a little JB Weld to hold things in place gives you just enough extra to break something free as well.
Here's some info on the EGR cooler, with inside diameters of the two end holes: EGR COOLER INFO: part number: 25601-37010 Maruyasu Industries Co., Ltd Maruyasu part number: J2D02072Y1-AS01A Search string: Maruyasu J2D02072Y1-AS01A Intake opening diameter (at exhaust): 20.9 mm exit opening diameter (at EGR valve): 25.7 mm This is a screen-grab from my amazon order: The 26 and 19 are end diameters, and the height is 28. FWIW I've yet to use them, they're just for next time, but I believe that's optimum size, for the smaller hole at the exhaust manifold end. The white rubber is nice, doesn't have the more-typical toxic Chinese rubber smell, lol. But of course it IS made in China.
Thank you for your replies and suggestions, which gave me unprecedented ideas. The quality of Chinese products some is good some bad, but most of the products seem to be of poor quality. Haha, it may not just be a question of ability.
At present, the engine is running smoothly and the noise is very small. Use launch to test the egr. The step length is 15 and it is very unstable. It feels that the valve opening is small and the effect will be produced. It means that the egr is cooling and the valve is not blocked. I am not sure about this, see egr maintenance. It's hard to go up, I don't know that it is not necessary for me to come.