I've recently seen many reports of catalytic converters getting stolen from Priuses around my neighborhood (Rockville, MD, DC area). I think most of them are older models. Has anyone had one stolen from a Gen 4? Also, my husband has a 2007 Toyota Matrix. Do the cat converters get stolen from these models?
they do, but the gen 2 prius has the most precious metals i think. find out if you can use an aftermarket cat in md. if not, a check of the oem price for each model may give a clue. a ne gen 2 cat is around $2,000. iirc.
There hasn't been any reported on PriusChat for a Gen 4. Only one, a relatively small one, is accessible on Gen 4 without removing the engine.(or the body).
Check the recent thread on the same subject where I'd put a diagram. There are 2 small ones. One is hiding - impossible to access unless you remove the engine. And, to be honest, I'd be surprised if they'd be interested in the other - being quite small. But I've read every Gen 4 post in 5¼ years, and nobody has reported a Gen 4 C/C incident.
Yes, the front cat is integral with the exhaust manifold and not easy to cut out. The less valuable downstream cat is the only part that can readily be cut out.
I think we forget that most thieves aren't always the smartest person in the room and may not know the difference in a gen 2, 3, or 4. However, I am more worried about them destroying things trying to remove the cat. And if they can't, scratching the paint or something similar out of frustration. But in the end, no need to worry about something that hasn't happened and hopefully will not.
Given how long this has been going on (years), most theives, if not all, will do a basic search on what Cats are best (most precious material) and easiest to steal, and that's not a Gen 4. In addition to Priuses, there are a bevy of other cars that have the same benefit, so the chances are unlikely a Gen 4 will be targeted...but never discount the lone idiot who thinks a Gen 4 is a Gen 2 etc. lol
A simple, cheap and inexpensive "shield: for the Gen 4 would be a rectangle of expanded steel mesh, fastened at the four corners with rivets and large fender washers into the front and rear aluminum "box beam" braces, making sure that the mesh covers the bolt access holes.
Is this the recent thread post that you are referring to? Prius 4 (2016) Cat Shield not needed ??? | PriusChat It is the only one I could find, but it doesn't have a diagram. Thanks.
I put a cat shield on anyway. Like someone said earlier. Some idiot could mistake a Gen 4 for Gen 2 and try to rip it out.
Not just Prius and not just CARB states. This article was from one of our local stations three days ago: Thieves find potential gold mine inside stolen catalytic converters
Just read the article I linked above. All kinds of cars and RVs are being butchered for the cats. This is not exclusive to the Prius.
I'd still be surprised if they'd bother with a newer PRIUS. I think they know what they're doing - unfortunately. This discussion has been going on for nearly ½ a decade - and I've yet to hear of a Gen 4 being stolen.
I know this is slightly off point but does anyone know how vulnerable the cat is in a 2023 hybrid corolla?
About 6 weeks ago I noticed a 2020 corolla (don't believe it was a hybrid) at an insurance auction in LV/socal area, no visible or reported damage, but in the special notes section of the listing it said "missing catalytic converter".
The catalytic converter location closer to the engine or in the engine compartment. Invest in a catalytic converter lock or shield for added security. The lock secures the converter to the vehicle's frame, making theft harder.