Hey Everyone!!! So I was bragging about my Prius to everyone, and My sister seemed more than interested. She bought an 06. She says tat she doesn't give a damn about the mileage or anything else. She just wanted the rebate and the HOV access. (Hey. She is my sister!) Anyway... Shortly after she bought it she called me with some problems she as had. I initially responded that I have NEVER had a problem. Then last weekend I needed my prerecorded jump start. Anyway. Apparently her dealer tells her that there is a bug in some of these magic machines that requires the driver to get gas AS SOON AS the "need fuel" indication comes on. It has happened to her twice now. If she doesnt start looking for a gas station immediately, she will run out. Mine does NOT do this! Has anyone else had any problem like this? If so, can anyone provide any feedback??? Thanks!
I'm not sure I'd call it a bug, the low fuel warning means, well, you're low on fuel... When you're down to one bar, you're very low on gas. You've perhaps got a gallon left, at best. When that bar stars blinking - that's the "Holy @%*$!, you're about to run out" signal. Depending on mileage, temperature, and driving habits, you may have as few as 5 miles left. (Although 10-20 is more common). People tend to make faulty assumptions in Prius's (I know I can go another 200 miles, I got 600 miles last tank, I don't care what the gauge says!), ignore the warnings, and die by the side of the road. The dealer is just trying to make the point, albeit a bit oddly, that when the last pip starts blinking, get gas, and get it fast. -Ken
well... when the car says "add fuel" it means it. it's not a bug, it's a warning to get thy butt to a gas station immediately. it's the equivalent of the "idiot light" on other cars that means you're about out of gas.
Ever OTHER car I've had that has a low fuel light gives you the warning with approximately 2 gallons left in the tank. If the Prius warning light is as low as many make it seem, something I haven't tested myself yet, then it'd definitely not the equivalent of the idiot light on other cars... In my Civic Hybrid, for example, when the low fuel light comes on I could easily squeeze in another 40 - 50 miles or more. I sort of took it for granted that the Prius does the same, I'm glad I was reading this thread before I decided to push it!
Because the flashing pip happens with an upredictable amount of fuel left, it's worse than the average idiot light. I see no reason to wait that long. There's gas everywhere. When you're somewhere with a few extra minutes and it's priced reasonably, fill it up. After all, it's only gonna take a few gallons...what's the big deal? Most times, I barely have enough time to finish washing the windshield.
Yes. It is obvious that a flashing "Pip" means that you need gas. My question here is really... How come I can go nearly40 miles when my pip flashes, and my sister has to find gas asap?
All idiot lights are different, all cars seem to pick different levels at which point to yell at the driver. And as has been pointed out, most folks have grown used to fuel gauges with wiggle room in them. When my old saturn indicated empty - it had easily two gallons left in it. I would frequently push it past the line, and damn near all the way through the letter E. Never did run it dry.. My friends expedition has a miles to empty indicator. It can be pushed past zero, and we're still driving. Lots of wiggle room, lots of inaccuracy. The prius is a slightly odd beast. Depending on the weather, it may have as low as a 9 gallon tank capacity. If it yelled at you at 2 gallons as some folks seem to want - that would leave you with a 7 gallon usable range. I certainly wouldn't want that. I want to know how much fuel is actually in there - and when it reads damn near empty - I want that to actually mean it's damn near empty - and actual, accurate, fuel gauge (You - stop laughing!) I want to be able to make full use of the tank, and have an accurate indicator of when I'm near the end. So - I personally like it just the way it is. Yes. It is obvious that a flashing "Pip" means that you need gas. My question here is really... How come I can go nearly40 miles when my pip flashes, and my sister has to find gas asap? Because you're pip starts flashing sooner. Nothing more complicated than that. -Ken
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mr. Zorg @ Oct 31 2006, 06:09 PM) [snapback]341671[/snapback]</div> That's because they don't have the stupid bladder. Ask anyone outside of NA, I can guarantee you that they will say that there is 10 litres left when the ADD FUEL warning comes on. For us, we can't rely on Toyota's 10 litre fuel warning because of the variability of the bladder, thus when the car says ADD FUEL, just DO IT! It knows better... even if manual calculations say otherwise.
Graz there is a simple service procedure called 'fuel gauge inclinometer reset' which might be helpful for your sis' Prius. Or maybe not. Hard to say because this is such an unusual system.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kdmorse @ Oct 31 2006, 07:02 PM) [snapback]341692[/snapback]</div> Yes. But unfortunately it's far from consistent. I've actually run out within 10 miles of the start of flashing, whereas had previously gone over 30 miles after the start of flashing without any indication of running out. That gave me a false sense of security. No more of course. I now get gas as soon after one pip as I can, or as soon as I reach 2 pips if I'm not sure how far the next station is. Dave M.
Yes. But unfortunately it's far from consistent. I've actually run out within 10 miles of the start of flashing, whereas had previously gone over 30 miles after the start of flashing without any indication of running out. That gave me a false sense of security. I've been tracking my last flashing pip in my 2006 for about 4 months now, in an attempt to figure out when it starts flashing. For the most part - it seems fairly consistent, starting between 1/2 and 1/4 of a gallon. In *some cases*, I suspect folks variations are being caused by MPG, not the flashing pip. For example, if you start the car with 1/4 of a gallon left, you're only going to get about 6-7 miles out of it (during warm-up). If it starts flashing while you're humming along at 60MPG, you're going to get 15 miles out of the exact same amount of gas. *Some* of the wide variations folks are seeing with regards to the last pip may be entirely caused by the wide variations of MPG the car gets - not the amount of gas remaining. But I am drawing this conclusion from one and only one source - my car - so it's damn near inapplicable to anyone else. While the Guess Gauge has been slammed for all sorts of reasons, I find mine to be quite reasonable..... It appears... fairly closely... to be reliably one gallon per pip, with the last two gallons (if you get 12 gallons in there) falling off the right side. (This is why it can take three gallons worth of use to get that first pip to drop, as it doesn't drop till you're at 9 gallons). But again... My car (12/2006)... My math... My spreadsheet.... Your results may vary... -Ken
Could someone elaborate about the kdmorse statement " it may have as low as a 9 gallon tank capacity"??? I have an owners manual for my 2010 that says the fuel capacity is 11.9 gallons (US) and I can not get more than 9.1 gallons in when I drive 510 miles recording 57mpg on the trip computer. The last pip was blinking and the gauge switched itself to the display that shows me the miles remaining (it was under 10). So what happens to the fuel tank to make it smaller? I live in Glendale AZ and it's hot enough that most things get bigger, not smaller.
Ben, you're in Gen2 land, and their cars are different. They have bladder issues to contend with. Here's a recent thread about Gen3's tank capacity.