Hi guys. would buying a 2005 prius with 290k miles for 1000 dollars be good to part out and make a profit? does not have a catalytic converter is the only known problem. Otherwise drives fine besides being loud. He claims the hybrid battery was replaced within the past 20k but he’s only had it for a few weeks, so I don’t really believe that. Basically would all the other parts make it worth it?
i can't think of anything anyone would want. if the engine doesn't burn too much oil, you could put in a $250. cat and sell it for $2,000.
It would be difficult and time consuming to part out a 2005 and make a reasonable profit without the OEM cats. There's always variables that can make it worth it. Are you buying it because you need a new battery and this one has a Toyota replacement? Maybe it has a Toyota replacement ABS pump assembly that you need? Maybe brand new tires? If the MFD is perfect, you can get about $150 for the basic low-def 4 button non-nav model, the high def models will get about 250-300. The 4 dash AC vents will get about $140 for the set if in perfect condition.
So if it has a battery and otherwise drives, why wouldn’t you add an aftermarket cat for a couple of hundred dollars and sell it?