Just back home in Florida after a road trip to New Mexico and Colorado (by way of Ohio - total trip was 7,000 miles!). In Denver, we took a side trip to Mount Evans, and that scenic drive is the highest paved road in the US and takes you to the top of the mountain, just over 14,000 feet. The drive back to Denver was all downhill, 14,000 feet at the top of the mountain, to 5,000 feet in Denver. Probably 35 of those miles were at 70+ on the highway. 65.8 mile total drive, 128.7 MPG on the computer!
Putting that B mode to good use. I've done that run in a ~10 year old Kia minivan. I still don't know how I'm not dead.
I hate to be a killjoy - but what was your mileage heading UP that 14,000 mountain? Going downhill is always fun. Going up - not so much...
Gotta love those downhill drives, also let’s you know if your rotors are warped when the battery’s fully charged. Best mpg was 72, driving 35 mph cruise control in my gen 3. Gen 4 has slightly better over all fuel economy than gen 3, but gen 3 seemed to be able to get those supplies high mpg trips more often, and gen 4 seems alittle more consistent.
That is facts. It makes me sad going up the mountain. I went up a 10,000 ft mountain from about 2,000ft. I still got 44 mpg on the way up and 199.9 on the way down! I wish I had a prime sometimes so I can regen more! It’s a sad felling when you are breaking downhill with a full battery haha.