Hey guys, I'm going to be moving soon, and have been slowly accumulating all the necessary parts for the trailer move on the cheap. The last thing I need is the trailer hitch itself. What is the best drop/rise for the standard 4'x8' and/or 5'x8' U-Haul trailer for a stock Gen 2? I know that the trailer needs to be as level as possible. I do not have ready access to the measurements required to determine this, and was hoping that one of you guys had this information filed away somewhere handy (there's always at least one or two users on this forum, which is one of the reasons why I love it). Thank you!
It’s going to be a rise, that much I know. I have a rise on my 4 Runner for trailers, a Prius can’t be higher.
I bought the highest rise I could find on amazon, its something like 6". I have the Uhaul hitch which sits really low. Those Uhaul trailers are heavy as hell so your best bet is find the tallest riser you can and rent the smallest trailer you can. Or even consider buying a cheap harbour freight version. When the rear sags on the Prius you can easily lose 2-3 inches as well. If you are regularly towing then consider some new rear springs, I bought some Moog springs the were quite a bit beefier than stock and helped a lot. The most I have towed is about 1500lb with another 300lb in the car which I would consider the safe limit if your car is in good condition. My tongue weight was about 150-200lb and the rear wasn't bottomed but there was no fender gap left either.
Thank you for the reply. Is that 6 inch estimate based on your experience with a U-Haul trailer? This is going to be a once every two to three year towing operation, so new springs won't be necessary. I might tow a utility trailer with some heavy appliances every once in a while as well, nothing regular though.
no, I've never towed a U haul trailer before but most trailers have their tongues around the same height and if you simply eyeball how low the hitch is on the Prius compared to every other vehicle its obvious that a 6-8" rise is needed.
I installed a Curt hitch about 10 years ago. Just go on e-trailer.com and look up the recommend trailer for 2007 Prius. Get the external power supply too. Works great I routinely rented a 4x8 open uhaul. Please keep in mind 2 things. Both very hard on the car. 1- When towing you do not have regenerative braking so you are left with the basic hydraulic brakes only. They are really bad. So take it easy because you will not be able to stop very well. 2-Towing is extremely hard on the hybrid battery. I have not been able to tow in quite a while since my hybrid battery started to tank. I have kept it propped up now for almost 2 years using the prolong charger/discharger system and its ok for mama's grocery missions but the car needs power and balls to tow and my hybrid battery does not have either anymore. Iyour hybrid abttery is borderline and I'm sure it is just by its age it will show its true colors when you put a heavy duty load on it.
It doesn’t when you have so much weight pushing behind you regen just does not help. want to see what that feels like get up to speed on highway no one behind you put the car in neutral and try to stop briskly. It’s good for the brakes anyway keeps the rotors clean.
I want to rent a uhaul trailer. I have installed this hitch. Anything else I would need to buy it use the uhaul trailer?