I have the stock Dunlop Enasave on my 21 PP. Looking for all season tires that is the quietest. Don't really care for losing MPG, as long as they are quiet. What do you recommend?
I join you in the quest for quietest tires for PP. BTW I do NOT recommend Michelin's Energy Saver A/S - they produced annoying low pitch humming noise regardless of surface driven on. much louder than my winter tires Michelin Ice X3
I'm not vouching for it, but you could check out the Bridgestone Turanza QuietTrack. I'm assuming there was a reason they gave it that name. Bridgestone tires are on sale now at Costco.
sorry to hear about the michelin energy savers, mine are as quiet as a mouse. great mpg's and very little wear after 20k. granted, i drive like an old lady
The thing to remember is that everything is a trade-off. "Quiet" usually means less traction, lower tread life, etc, etc. Places like TireRack and the tire maker's sites have noise ratings for popular tires. I would go by that rather than relying on anecdotal reports from users. That said, most quality A/S tires will be quieter than the OEM tires.
I was a member of a Lexus forum, so naturally quiet tires were often discussed there. One of the quietest ones (I bought some and can confirm) are the Pirelli P7 All Season Plus. I'll be putting a set on my Prime as soon as tires are needed.
Hi Mendel. I've been using Michelin Defender - the most expensive. They were pretty quiet when new or still on new tar. They are very noise on older surface freeways we can barely talk and hear each other - like traveling in a tin can. Michelin Defender guarantee is 80K which is BS. I wore them off in about 30k - Big O said take my complaint to Michelin but good luck. Anyway, based on your comment should I just buy cheap tires and replace them often like after 40% use?
They’re down to the wear bars? I had a similar experience with Michelins years back: at the wear bars at 50% of mileage guarantee. My tire shop went to bat for me, contacted Michelin, and I got replacement with same tires for 50% off. That’s the most expedient method I think; but it hinges on having a conscientious tire shop. Big O could likely do similar, but you’d have to press them? They’d be acting as professional liaison between the customer and Michelin, testifying as to when the tires went on, the odo miles, that they’re down to wear bars. Can’t really say anything else would do better. Again, I’ve noticed any tires get noisier over time and wear. Our sons got Defenders on his CX5 right now, installed about 6 months back. Believe they’re the new version: Defender A/S (can check, they’re in a stack here, we just swapped him to snows). As far as I know he’s liking them, no complaints.