5th Gen Toyota Prius: Set For 2023 Debut | Torque News Cliff Notes: Sportier exterior (whatever that means, we’re talking Toyota here) Retains the 1.8L May have more of a Sedan look than the Liftback look Will have “Big Improvements” to fuel efficiency Lots of generalized statements. Sounds like they visited a spiritual advisor or psychic. iPad ? Pro
The profile image looks closer to 3rd gen. A little “stolid” though? geez I hope they don’t do a Henry Ford “you can have any colour you like, as long as …” lol.
Wow... I just looked at it and my eyes don't hurt! No big obnoxious front grille, no bad geometry of misplaced unmatching shapes in the rear and all blacked out trim. I'm stunned that it looks like a cleaner refinement and all blacked out makes it look so nice. I guess the people on the design team comitted to making Prius uglier with each iteration finally go fired? This looks more like something the Camry and Corolla design team would create. There's still hope for the Prius line if this car really does turn out to be true!
I guess I'm in a grumpy mood today. This is terrible journalism by Torque News. There is nothing new in this story. Shouldn't Torque news cite their sources? Their only links are to old Torque News stories. Their actual source is from Auto Evolution (see below) The pic, by the way is, I believe, the 2022 (4th gen) "nightshade edition". From the Toyota US site: Here is a link to a story on Auto Evolution dated June 2 that Torque News quotes almost word for word. The AE story properly quotes bestcarweb: All-New Toyota Prius to Debut in 2023 With Coupe-Like Design - autoevolution Here is the original bestcarweb story (use Google Translate): プリウス最終デザイン判明!! 2022年冬次期型登場とトヨタの深謀遠慮 - 自動車情報誌「ベストカー」 Actual (speculated) rendition of Gen 5 by bestcarweb:
Autoweb Bestcarweb And Torque News are all basically scam sites at this point you will have to wait for one of the 2 or 3 real car sites to bring up the Gen v for information
Not much there than what other rumor articles on the gen5 have said. It actually misses the bit of a hydrogen fuel version. Bestcarweb is saying winter 2022. Only part of December is winter, so we might get to see it in January. Which lines up with other reports of the gen5 being a 2023MY.
You have every right to be grumpy... Soon as I saw Nielsen name as author I was suspicious and now that I see actual pics my impression are still positive, but every time I read something Nielsen writes... He's so lazy on fact checking and refinement, just garbage in and garbage out. I had to block him on Facebook because I'd so often be annoyed at how off point his journalism can be and too often tempted to comment on his latest mess that I realized it was a waste of time.
When did the '16 come out, very late in 2015? So purely extrapolating, and assuming 2023 is THE year, December 2022? Ish?
Great thing about Toyota fan boys is they work for free and get people wanting more details due to be a little delusional and misinformed.
I saw this article the other day, but IMO it is just fluff and baseless. There is really no concrete details here, or really any reason to believe this is anything more than a guess… the abundance of ads on the page certainly doesn’t help change this perception, that it is likely just a headline to get clicks and nothing else. When there is a model redesign, doesn’t Toyota normally unveil it around November timeframe? And likely start delivering around the summer?
It varies? Gen 4 details started breaking in Sept 2015 IIRC, and shortly into 2016, Jan/Feb, the first ship loads were arriving at dealerships.
Looks like they FINALLY got that stupid spoiler OUT of the drivers line of sight in the back window. I hated that.......and didn't even care about how good the car might have been otherwise.
Toyota will mess up whatever they do to it, its always half you know what when they come out with a product, why the other car companies are jumping way ahead of them, they showed almost no care of updating technology when they came out with the '16 and above, as little as possible with each year is their motto.
How our expectations get ground down. I recall before getting our 3rd gen, thinking about that spoiler, and wincing. Then there's the centralized instrument cluster on the dash, another sand-pounder as far as I'm concerned. Oh, and the heat/vent mode button, that you need to push repeatedly while watching it (instead of the road...), to get the mode you want. Oh, and you want all the air going to to the windshield (without the hells-a-popping defrost with AC mode): sorry, Toyota decided you can't have that. Still ranting on that H/V mode button: it's in a row of identical buttons, so good luck just FINDING the dang thing, without more eyes-off-the-road time. And that foot-pedal parking brake. And a (centralized) digital dash that's nigh impossible to SEE, under some light conditions, wet road glare in bright sunlight for one. And a fob that'll set you back $300~ if you lose it, or run it through the wash. And a return-to-centre joystick shifter that requires beep warning to keep you cognizant you're in reverse. I need an alert sometimes, and even the beep doesn't always do the trick. And a start/stop system, that uses the terms "Auxiliary", "On" and "Ready", and each one of of these requires a secret-handshake to access. Bottom line, I could play "let me count the ways" pretty much ad infinitum. I guess that's the way with most if not all cars. Maybe the best you can hope for is "this one sucks less"?