I came across an interesting find. A gen 2 for $3800, clean inside/out, oil changes and dealer maintenance on record through 100K miles and then supposedly done through DIY/independent shops. The water pump was replaced at 120K and a new hybrid battery was installed at 200K. Any major things to check for?
oil burning is there a receipt for the new dealership installed toyota oem hybrid battery? what year?
How often does the brake pump cycle? Does it cycle continuously even if the brake isn't being pressed? If so, that's a big repair bill heading your way.
It's an '05. The hybrid battery was installed at an independent shop (receipt on hand). $2200 for the battery w/ a 36 month warranty.
i thought the 3 year warranty only applied if dealer installed. but no matter, a new oem will likely last at least 10 years
A CarFax report may show the independent shop maintenance records that the Toyota website does not. Most chain oil places report there. Also we’re the plugs and other items done at 120k miles? That is a costly milestone and if it wasn’t done may indicate skimping on maintenance. How about coolant and transmission fluid changes?
With that mileage, you want to check and make sure there’s a clear record of all the maintenance being done on it.
$3800 is a fair market price behind the tinsel curtain for a 16 year old G2 with 200k. However (comma!) the first thing I would do is see if it will pass a smog check and when the next one is due. You've probably heard about the rash of cat thefts in your part of the world, and although I'm sure that your car and its owner are as clean as can be....you're betting $2000 before the sale that the cat is good, and the car will pass smog....and you're betting $2000 AFTER the sale that it won't get catnapped....perhaps AGAIN. That's something you're going to want to factor into the 'go/no-go" equation. Ask the current owner WHY they're selling this little creme-puff. Everybody always worries about batteries and brakes, but for a $4000 G2 the cat represents a significant, possibly recurring liability in certain zip codes......like 92646, for example. If this car were really clean, had a verifiable pedigree, and available where the "duuuude!" code (0420) can be fixed for $200 then I'd snap it up in a minute for $4,000!. THIS is because a battery replacement (about $2000) could be guaranteed to actually FIX the car for 3 years, and there's not a waiting period for a new battery, and there are several sources for them. Same with brakes, HVAC, engine, suspension, etc. This is not true for ALL cars in all 52 states however, and so a G2 would be a HARD PASS for me were I somehow forced to live in.....'some' places. ACTUAL mileage, of course, WILL vary. Good Luck!
I'd pass on buying it. You're looking at replacement of front wheel bearings and sway bar bushings. The variable valve timing servo probably needs replacement. The speedometer's and MFD's are probably both so dim that they can't be read on a sunny day. The headlights are both so fogged that they need replacement. And if the headlights are HID, run away without looking back.