Hello fellow Prius owners. I have just purchased my first Prius so I am new to all this. I have been sorting out a few little niggles which I have done but I wanted to ask for advice before I take a look at the last problem. The handbrake/foot brake is not locking the drivers side wheel. My guess is the cable on that side has either snapped or the offside cable has come out of the union that connects it to the front cable. Can anyone tell me is it an easy job to replace the cable and how to I get to the union to check if it has come off. What do I need to remove to check etc. Many thanks in advance Nick
idk, but i would start with both rear wheels off, and watch the mechanism on each side while someone applies the brake. how many miles on her?
It can be checked without rear wheel removal or raising the rear: you can just shimmy under there, bring along a light.
Shimmying or shinnying, do the UK Gen 3s have the same rear brakes as the US ones? US Gen 3s have rear disc brakes, and the parking brake lever is visible on the inboard side of the caliper. Older Prius generations in the US had rear drum brakes, with the parking brake lever kind of concealed behind the drum. Some fuzzily-recalled tidbit makes me unsure if the UK Gen 3s are identical to US ones in that respect.
I'd forgotten they had discs on Gen 2. But were they like the NA Gen 3 discs with parking caliper action, or were they top-hat rotors with little bitty parking shoes inside?