Hello Milwaukee Hybrid Group members and friends, It’s meet time again. As fall is upon us and our mileage will be dropping like the leaves, we need to gather for warmth, knowledge and camaraderie that will help uplift us. We have summer successes to share, things to learn, we need to welcome and offer training to our newest members and enjoy a meal together. What a nice way to spend a Saturday. We’re over 120 members now and our group has been active in many events around the area. We’ll learn about this groups participation in Hybrid’s Now, Odyssey Day and WCATY. We’ll get the inside info on Wayne Gerdes’ and Justin Fons’ efforts to set the world record single tank distance record in Oklahoma a couple of weeks ago. Chris Schneider, the Hybrid Guru, will be joining us from La Crosse and will be speaking at the meeting. We also hope some of our Illinois members will be coming up for meet again. There is so much we’re anxious to share with you. Bobb and Jane Cherney will be organizing our pot luck meal again. Please bring an entree dish or dessert to share, if you can. The Cherney’s will supply plates, cups, drinks etc. We’ll meet in the parking lot again about 9:30am for our informal gathering before the meeting. We will once again have personalized driver training after the meet for our newest hybrid owners and for others that want some advanced training. Milwaukee Hybrid Group Meeting Agenda, No. 7 Saturday, October 28, 2006 10am to 2pm Oak Creek Public Library (see link below) 8620 South Howell Avenue Oak Creek, WI. 53154 414-764-4400 9:30 – 10:00 (30min) Outdoor gathering, discussion and vehicle checks 10:00 – 10:30 (30min) Check in, setup and informal discussion 10:30 – 10:45 (15min) Introductions, driving updates and summer successes 10:45 – 10:55 (10min) the 2006 Insight Marathon, World Record 10:55 – 11:15 (20min) ScanGauge 2 particulars, Rees Roberts 11:15 – 11:30 (15min) Engine block heaters, + or - 11:30 – 11:40 (10min) Break 11:40 – 12:10 (30min) What’s in the future at Honda, Chris Schneider 12:10 – 12:20 (10 min) MHG recent outreach events 12:20 – 12: 30 (10min) Non-profit status? 12:30 – 12:35 (5min) Wrap-up, door prizes 12:35 – 1:30 (60min) Lunch and cleanup 1:00 – 1:30 (30min) Driver training We encourage you to bring a spouse or a friend interested in hybrid vehicles to learn and share. This meet will be the best opportunity for all drivers to pick up tips on cold weather preparation as well as learning about basic and advanced eco-driving tips. Each of you should be very proud for what this group has become. Your involvement, questions, comments and skills are what makes us successful and will make us grow. We look forward to seeing you all again. Keep workn’ it. Bradlee and Justin Fons http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?latlo...mp;qc=Libraries
Thank you to all who attended our meet in Oak Creek yesterday. Although the temps were in the 30’s with a strong NW wind, we had members starting to gather outside at 9am for a 10am meeting inside. As we shared informal discussion and while Justin checked tire pressures on the vehicles, we soon forgot about the cold. Before we knew it we had 20 hybrid vehicles in the lot. We had 31 members in attendance with owners coming from as far away 550 miles. Darren and Corie pull in from Pittsburgh, PA, Larry from Elkhart, IN., Dan from Mundelein, IL, Wayne and Tom from Chicago and Chris from La Crosse, WI, all come in for the meeting. We had 10 new members attending for the first time and sent out as many owners on personal driver training sessions at the close of the meet. Bob and Jane Cherney and Corie Schilberg help serve the pot luck lunch that was enjoyed by all. Our meeting was to last from 10am to 2pm, however we ended up leaving at about 3:30pm. We learned about the ScanGauge 2 from Rees Roberts, engine block heaters by me and Wayne Mitchell and about the new cars that Honda will be bringing out by Chris Schneider. Justin Fons was presented with a framed award for his driving excellence in the Insight Marathon. In addition we talked about oil dependency, global warming, and cold weather driving tips and how the Milwaukee Hybrid Group has been making an impact in the area. All in all it was another great meet. Our next and final meet of the year will be in mid December at this Oak Creek location. We’ll give you more details as they develop. Minutes of this meet will be coming soon. Thank you for our members and friends who have supported the development of this group. We hope to continue to grow and support all vehicle owners and to educate the public on hybrids, oil dependency and global warming with your help. Bradlee
Another great meeting! Good to see the new members and good to teach people who wanted to learn Pulse and Glide. If you've never been then you are missing out. Wayne
Hi Bradlee, Glad to hear that the meeting went well!! Wayne was all excited as he usually is when he gets back from a meeting! I am so glad that he enjoys this! I am sorry that I missed the meeting this time.. I was out with our daughter at the mall to see a movie and do some shopping and have some "Girl" time.. Had a good time, but did miss coming to the meeting! Next time I will be there..(Providing I won't be in a cast for surgery on my foot again!lol) I really enjoy coming to the meetings, they are informative, friendly, fun, and I enjoy the talk about Global warming, the earth, Hybrid cars, and the people... Take care and hope to see you again soon!! Teresa